geoS: S-PLUS functions for geostatistical analysis

P.J. Ribeiro Jr. & P.J. Diggle


A S-PLUS library for geostatistical analysis, named geoS, is presented. The functions in this library implement geostatistical methods like descriptive analysis, variogram estimation and fitting, some types of kriging and simulation of Gaussian random fields. Some likelihood-based methods and Bayesian inference results for Gaussian geostatistics are also implemented. {\tt geoS} is a public domain library and instructions about how to download and install it are provided. The functions and classes are listed divided into categories. A simulated data-set is generated and analysed, illustrating the main features of the library. Details about the functions and their arguments and options are provided.

Keywords: S-PLUS library, geostatistics, spatial statistics.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1-4YF
Last modified: Thu May 4 20:07:08 BST 2000