## Load the package (to make functions available).
## Loading mcglm
## Source each file in R/ to know the functions defined in each.
L <- lapply(list.files(path = "../R", pattern = "*.R"),
            function(x) {
                a <- ls(pos = ".GlobalEnv")
                source(sprintf("../R/%s", x))
                b <- setdiff(x = ls(pos = ".GlobalEnv"), y = a)
                if (length(b) == 0) {
                } else {
                    return(data.frame(file = x, fun = b,
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

da <- plyr::ldply(L)
da <- da[, rev(1:ncol(da))]

## Regex to search the function names inside body of another functions.

funs <- unique(da$fun)
funs <- funs[!funs == "mcglm"]
regex <- paste0("^.*(", paste(funs, collapse = "|"), ").*$")
funs <- da$fun

## NetWork.

## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/networkD3/index.html
## https://christophergandrud.github.io/networkD3/

## Search inside a function body the name of the other functions.
## Return as parent the function inspected and as child those functions
## inside it.
funRel <- function(fx) {
    bdy <- capture.output(body(fx))
    bdy <- do.call(c, strsplit(bdy, split = ","))
    funscalled <- gsub(pattern = regex,
                       x = grep(pattern = regex, x = bdy, value = TRUE),
                       replacement = "\\1")
    if (length(funscalled)) {
        return(data.frame(parent = fx, child = funscalled,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    } else {
        return(data.frame(parent = fx, child = NA,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

## This is the relationship data.frame.
a <- do.call(rbind, lapply(funs, funRel))
a <- plyr::arrange(a, parent, child)
a <- transform(a, child = ifelse(is.na(child), parent, child))
a <- unique(a)

## IMPORTANT: the codification must start in 0.
fv <- factor(c(a$parent, a$child))
a$source <- as.integer(factor(a$parent, levels = levels(fv))) - 1
a$target <- as.integer(factor(a$child, levels = levels(fv))) - 1
a$value <- 2 ## Line width of link.

## This is the attributes data.frame.
b <- data.frame(name = levels(fv))
b$group <- as.integer(factor(
    da$file[match(x = da$fun, table = as.character(b$name))]))

## Same colors for funtions in the same file.
b$group <- as.integer(factor(
    merge(b, da, by.x = "name", by.y = "fun", all.x = TRUE)$file))
b$size <- 10  ## Size of nodes.

ntw <- forceNetwork(
    Links = a,
    Source = "source",
    Target = "target",
    Value = "value",
    Nodes = b,
    NodeID = "name",
    Group = "group",
    charge = -100,
    linkDistance = 50,
    linkColour = "black",
    opacity = 0.9,
    opacityNoHover = 1,
    fontSize = 12,
    height = 700, width = 700,
    fontFamily = "inconsolata")

## saveNetwork(network = ntw, file = "mcglm_network.html")
