
R Reference Card

Parentheses are for functions, brackets are for indicating the position of items in a vector or matrix.


q() Quit
<- Assign
m[,2] Column 2 of matrix m
m[,2:5] or m[,c(2,3,4,5)] Columns 2-5
NA Missing data
require(package_name) Load a package

Control flow

for (i1 in vector1) Repeat what follows
if (condition1) ... else ... Conditional


help(command) Quick help for a command
help.start() Start browser help
help(package=package_name) Help with a package


%*% Matrix multiplication
%/%, ^, %%, sqrt() Integer division, power, modulus,square root

Input and Output

source("file1") Run the commands in a file
read.table("file1") Read in data from a file
scan("file1") Read in a file as vector
write(object,"file1") Writes an R object to a file
write.table(data.frame,"file1") Writes a table to a file


plot(), barplot(), boxplot(), stem(), hist() Basic plots
matplot() Matrix plot
pairs(matrix1) Scatterplots
qqplot() Quantile-quantile plot
qqnorm(), qqline() Fit normal distribution

Managing Variables and Objects

ls() List all active objects
rm(object1) Remove an object
dim(matrix1) Dimensions of a matrix
dimnames(matrix1) Names of dimensions of a matrix
length(vector1) Length of vector1
1:3 Vector (1,2,3)
c(1,2,3) Same vector (1,2,3)
rep(x,n) Repeat vector x, n times
cbind(a1,b1,c1), rbind(a1,b1,c1) binds columns or rows into a matrix
merge(df1,df2) Merge data frames
cbind(x1,x2) Bind vectors x1 and x2 as columns of a matrix
rbind(x1,x2) Bind vectors x1 and x2 as rows of a matrix
merge(df1,df2) Merge data frames
matrix(vector1,r1,c1) Make vector1 into a matrix with r1 rows and c1 columns
data.frame(v1,v2) Make a data frame from vectors v1 and v2
as.factor(), as.matrix(), as.vector() Conversion
is.factor(), is.matrix(), is.vector() What it is
t() Switch rows and columns
which(x1==a1) Returns indices of x1 where x1==a1


max(), min(), mean(), median(), sum()}, var() as named
summary(data.frame) Prints statistics
rank(), sort() as named
ave(x1,y1) Averages of x1 grouped by factor y1
by() Apply function to data frame by factor
apply(x1,n1,function1) Apply function1 on rows (n1=1) or columns (n1=2) of x1
tapply(x1,list1,function1) Apply function1 to x1 by list1
table() Make a table
tabulate() Tabulate a vector
t.test() t-test
aov(), anova(), lm(), glm() Linear and nonlinear models, anova
chisq.test(matrix1) Chi-square test on matrix matrix1
cor(x1) Correlation
cor.test(x1,x2) Test correlation
binom.test() Sign test
fisher.test() Fisher exact test
friedman.test() Friedman test
