Produção de Teca em função de variáveis físicas e químicas do solo

Milson Evaldo Serafim,
Walmes Marques Zeviani

Definições da sessão

R source
## Pacotes necessários.

pkg <- c("latticeExtra", "plyr", "reshape2", "doBy", "multcomp")
sapply(pkg, require, character.only=TRUE)

## Definições gráficas.

## Definições de preenchimentos, linhas, etc.
mycol <- brewer.pal(6, "Set1")
ps <- list(
    box.rectangle=list(col=1, fill=c("gray70")),
    box.umbrella=list(col=1, lty=1),
    dot.symbol=list(col=1, pch=19),
    dot.line=list(col="gray50", lty=3),
    plot.symbol=list(col=1, cex=1.2),
    superpose.symbol=list(col=mycol, pch=c(1:5)),
## show.settings()

## Remove objetos da mémoria para começar vazia.

Carregar os dados

Download dos dados:
Download do script: teca.R

R source

## Se o arquivo não existir, descomente aqui para fazer o download.
## url <- ""
## download.file(url=url, destfile=basename(url))

## Diretório de trabalho.
## getwd()

## Arquivos presentes no diretório.
R output
[1] "teca.txt"
R source
## Lendo o arquivo.

da <- read.table(file="teca.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t",
da$local <- factor(da$local)

## Remove os espaços no texto das camadas: 0 - 5 -> 0-5.
da$camada <- gsub(pattern=" ", replacement="", x=da$camada)
R output
'data.frame':  150 obs. of  17 variables:
 $ local : Factor w/ 50 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ...
 $ camada: chr  "0-5" "5-40" "40-80" "0-5" ...
 $ phh2o : num  6.8 6.7 6.7 4.7 4.7 4.9 7.6 6.8 6.9 6.6 ...
 $ p     : num  22.51 0.83 0.01 3.89 0.69 ...
 $ k     : num  72.24 13.42 7.23 48.13 12.34 ...
 $ ca    : num  8.27 2.91 2.33 0.97 0.76 0.21 7.63 3.22 2.22 5.54 ...
 $ mg    : num  1.7 1.77 0.51 0.16 0.14 0 1.53 1.31 1.09 1.77 ...
 $ al    : num  0 0 0 0.3 0.6 0.6 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ ctctot: num  12.47 6.57 4.52 5.3 4.17 ...
 $ sat   : num  81.4 71.7 63.2 23.7 22.4 ...
 $ mo    : num  72.2 25.6 9.7 34.4 8.7 9.7 50.4 15.6 9.5 50.2 ...
 $ arg   : num  184 215 286 232 213 ...
 $ are   : num  770 750 674 741 775 ...
 $ cas   : num  1.8 2.2 3.7 0.4 1.1 1.7 8.4 19 14.3 5.5 ...
 $ acc   : num  770 750 676 741 775 ...
 $ vol   : num  0.271 0.271 0.271 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.497 0.497 0.497 0.407 ...
 $ dap   : num  30 30 30 18.2 18.2 ...

Análise exploratória preliminar

R source

## Número de registros por camada.
f <- sort(xtabs(~camada, data=da), decreasing=TRUE)
R output
  0-5 40-80  5-40 
   50    50    50 

Componentes principais nas variáveis de solo

Para melhor compreender a relação entre essas variáveis.

Veja exemplo de análise de componentes principais:

Com todas as camadas

R source
## Interrelações entre as 3 primeiras camadas.

da$camada <- factor(da$camada, levels=c("0-5","5-40","40-80"))

## Ordenar os níveis de local pelo valor de volume.
da$local <- reorder(da$local, da$vol)

xtabs(~camada, data=da)
R output
  0-5  5-40 40-80 
   50    50    50 
R source
## Variáveis resposta de solo.

v <- names(da)[3:15]

## Remover o alumínio por ter muitos zeros. Manter só argila e ACC.
v <- v[-c(6,11:12)]; v
R output
 [1] "phh2o"  "p"      "k"      "ca"     "mg"     "ctctot" "sat"   
 [8] "mo"     "arg"    "acc"   
R source
## Desempilhar o registros das camadas.

## Empilhar primeiro nas variáveis.
dd <- melt(data=da, measure.vars=v,
           id.vars=c("local", "camada", "vol", "dap"),
R output
'data.frame':  1500 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ local : Factor w/ 50 levels "20","7","6","36",..: 18 18 18 5 5 5 44 44 44 35 ...
  ..- attr(*, "scores")= num [1:50(1d)] 0.271 0.096 0.497 0.407 0.217 0.087 0.083 0.406 0.143 0.176 ...
  .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
  .. .. ..$ : chr  "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
 $ camada: Factor w/ 3 levels "0-5","5-40","40-80": 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
 $ vol   : num  0.271 0.271 0.271 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.497 0.497 0.497 0.407 ...
 $ dap   : num  30 30 30 18.2 18.2 ...
 $ var   : Factor w/ 10 levels "phh2o","p","k",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ valor : num  6.8 6.7 6.7 4.7 4.7 4.9 7.6 6.8 6.9 6.6 ...
R source
## Gráficos.

## Volume em função das variáveis de solo.
xyplot(vol~valor|var, groups=camada, data=dd,
       scales=list(x="free"), type=c("p","r"),
R source
## DAP em função das variáveis de solo.
xyplot(dap~valor|var, groups=camada, data=dd,
       scales=list(x="free"), type=c("p","r"),
R source
## Desempilhar.

dd$camvar <- with(dd, paste(camada, var, sep=":"))

de <- dcast(data=dd, formula=local~camvar, value.var="valor")
R output
'data.frame':  50 obs. of  31 variables:
 $ local       : Factor w/ 50 levels "20","7","6","36",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ 0-5:acc     : num  715 611 746 740 741 ...
 $ 0-5:arg     : num  220 287 224 128 232 ...
 $ 0-5:ca      : num  0.71 1.6 1.88 3.12 0.97 2.9 2.91 2.26 1.91 3.86 ...
 $ 0-5:ctctot  : num  4.22 6.01 6.47 5.91 5.3 7.59 7.01 5.7 6.26 8.67 ...
 $ 0-5:k       : num  25.8 48.5 62.9 75 48.1 ...
 $ 0-5:mg      : num  0.21 1.42 1.53 0.93 0.16 1.66 1.29 0.68 0.21 1.82 ...
 $ 0-5:mo      : num  16.1 28.6 35 25.1 34.4 58.3 28.8 22.6 19.9 35.3 ...
 $ 0-5:p       : num  1.04 2.17 2.14 3.4 3.89 7.55 3.26 2.23 3.6 6.12 ...
 $ 0-5:phh2o   : num  5.2 5.9 5.8 6.2 4.7 5.8 6.1 5.8 5.5 6.2 ...
 $ 0-5:sat     : num  23.4 52.3 55.2 71.8 23.7 ...
 $ 40-80:acc   : num  620 663 533 756 752 ...
 $ 40-80:arg   : num  329 283 423 382 237 ...
 $ 40-80:ca    : num  0.3 0.6 0.3 1 0.21 0.6 0.94 0.79 0.47 1.29 ...
 $ 40-80:ctctot: num  3.22 4.53 4.48 4.38 3.47 3.28 6.35 4.9 4.58 4.12 ...
 $ 40-80:k     : num  10.32 5.16 16.04 35.96 8.64 ...
 $ 40-80:mg    : num  0.09 0.18 0.1 0.96 0 0.24 0.3 0.38 0.04 0.37 ...
 $ 40-80:mo    : num  9 8.2 9.3 7.4 9.7 9.9 2.5 7.6 7.1 6.9 ...
 $ 40-80:p     : num  0.31 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.1 5.29 0.01 0.01 1.07 0.01 ...
 $ 40-80:phh2o : num  5.4 5.6 5.5 5.3 4.9 5.4 5.4 5.2 5 6 ...
 $ 40-80:sat   : num  12.94 17.5 9.84 47.02 6.69 ...
 $ 5-40:acc    : num  694 592 666 731 775 ...
 $ 5-40:arg    : num  244 304 250 261 213 ...
 $ 5-40:ca     : num  0.44 0.24 0.7 1.05 0.76 2.3 0.69 0.68 1.15 1.49 ...
 $ 5-40:ctctot : num  3.69 5.02 5.16 4.62 4.17 5.38 5.84 4.81 4.86 5.26 ...
 $ 5-40:k      : num  12.39 9.29 22.21 34.39 12.34 ...
 $ 5-40:mg     : num  0.12 0.14 0.36 1.16 0.14 0.41 0.53 0.79 0.05 0.62 ...
 $ 5-40:mo     : num  8 8.5 5.8 8.5 8.7 15 7.8 6.9 6.3 11.4 ...
 $ 5-40:p      : num  0.73 0.21 0.69 0.01 0.69 7.03 0.31 0.01 1.36 0.51 ...
 $ 5-40:phh2o  : num  5 5.1 5.2 5.2 4.7 5.6 5.3 4.9 4.9 5.5 ...
 $ 5-40:sat    : num  16.04 8.04 21.65 49.83 22.35 ...
R source
## PCA: Análise de Componentes Principais.

## X <- de[, colwise(is.numeric)(de)]
X <- de[, sapply(de, is.numeric)]

pca <- princomp(x=X, cor=TRUE)
R output
Importance of components:
                         Comp.1    Comp.2     Comp.3     Comp.4
Standard deviation     3.835619 1.9451791 1.42497451 1.27232479
Proportion of Variance 0.490399 0.1261241 0.06768508 0.05396035
Cumulative Proportion  0.490399 0.6165230 0.68420812 0.73816847
                           Comp.5     Comp.6     Comp.7     Comp.8
Standard deviation     1.25280105 1.05167692 0.93740170 0.84783288
Proportion of Variance 0.05231702 0.03686748 0.02929073 0.02396069
Cumulative Proportion  0.79048548 0.82735296 0.85664369 0.88060438
                           Comp.9    Comp.10    Comp.11    Comp.12
Standard deviation     0.76435311 0.70349461 0.65415157 0.60413383
Proportion of Variance 0.01947452 0.01649682 0.01426381 0.01216592
Cumulative Proportion  0.90007890 0.91657572 0.93083953 0.94300545
                          Comp.13     Comp.14     Comp.15     Comp.16
Standard deviation     0.56392221 0.485541702 0.451896781 0.426189604
Proportion of Variance 0.01060028 0.007858358 0.006807023 0.006054586
Cumulative Proportion  0.95360573 0.961464088 0.968271111 0.974325697
                          Comp.17     Comp.18     Comp.19    Comp.20
Standard deviation     0.41270305 0.370984883 0.329499559 0.30315192
Proportion of Variance 0.00567746 0.004587659 0.003618999 0.00306337
Cumulative Proportion  0.98000316 0.984590817 0.988209815 0.99127319
                           Comp.21     Comp.22     Comp.23
Standard deviation     0.242703867 0.232160369 0.211622779
Proportion of Variance 0.001963506 0.001796615 0.001492807
Cumulative Proportion  0.993236691 0.995033305 0.996526112
                           Comp.24     Comp.25      Comp.26
Standard deviation     0.188251866 0.174326559 0.1259196976
Proportion of Variance 0.001181292 0.001012992 0.0005285257
Cumulative Proportion  0.997707404 0.998720396 0.9992489213
                            Comp.27      Comp.28      Comp.29
Standard deviation     0.1052954295 0.0914319312 0.0483650808
Proportion of Variance 0.0003695709 0.0002786599 0.0000779727
Cumulative Proportion  0.9996184922 0.9998971522 0.9999751249
Standard deviation     2.731765e-02
Proportion of Variance 2.487514e-05
Cumulative Proportion  1.000000e+00
R source
## Variâncias.

## Variância de cada componente.
screeplot(pca, type="lines", main=NULL)
R source
## Proporção de variância acumulada.
plot(cumsum(pca$sdev^2)/sum(pca$sdev^2), type="o",
     xlab="Componente", ylab="Proporção de variância acumulada")
abline(h=0.75, lty=2)
R source
## Gráficos biplot.

biplot(pca, choices=c(1,2))
R source
biplot(pca, choices=c(1,3))
R source
biplot(pca, choices=c(2,3))
R source
## Agrupamento hierárquico.

di <- dist(pca$scores[,1:3], method="euclidean")
tree <- hclust(di, method="ward.D")

plot(tree, xlab="")
k <- 3
rect.hclust(tree, k=k, border="red")
R source
## Pontos que pertencem a cada grupo.
g <- cutree(tree, k=k)
split(as.character(de$local), f=g)
R output
 [1] "20" "7"  "6"  "36" "2"  "21" "40" "35" "9"  "25" "16" "10" "37"
[14] "5"  "39" "15" "14" "32" "18" "46" "45" "13" "23" "8"  "4"  "30"
[27] "38"

 [1] "1"  "19" "44" "12" "41" "26" "22" "33" "31" "11" "27" "3"  "24"
[14] "29" "17" "47" "28"

[1] "43" "42" "50" "48" "49" "34"
R source
## Carregamentos.

R output
                  Comp.1       Comp.2       Comp.3
0-5:acc       0.18311637 -0.253878526  0.106003404
0-5:arg      -0.15508592  0.270970073 -0.135701721
0-5:ca       -0.23895243 -0.042777858  0.164229911
0-5:ctctot   -0.23947163  0.004517663  0.124092785
0-5:k        -0.18169653 -0.147630418  0.083905286
0-5:mg       -0.15349720  0.043157461 -0.078323864
0-5:mo       -0.15480616 -0.001907438  0.171219753
0-5:p        -0.06404461 -0.206021719  0.229027827
0-5:phh2o    -0.19789857 -0.190504783  0.178364639
0-5:sat      -0.21476821 -0.097341498  0.114656950
40-80:acc     0.14425170 -0.061353969  0.379247615
40-80:arg    -0.16664400  0.048205195 -0.380603495
40-80:ca     -0.21957457  0.079740058  0.120989016
40-80:ctctot -0.19606231  0.089319577  0.039795215
40-80:k      -0.08850550 -0.363638771 -0.086036106
40-80:mg     -0.20464540 -0.062177083 -0.111952625
40-80:mo     -0.12325432 -0.044768536 -0.227109355
40-80:p      -0.04555785 -0.339183521 -0.399653018
40-80:phh2o  -0.21072564 -0.104441766  0.042574460
40-80:sat    -0.23594947 -0.074414418  0.014847038
5-40:acc      0.16622503 -0.258992462  0.163585589
5-40:arg     -0.17736450  0.279430085 -0.101570753
5-40:ca      -0.22409743  0.123598056  0.099112819
5-40:ctctot  -0.22796980  0.170147189 -0.003066074
5-40:k       -0.12372044 -0.321517395 -0.080885744
5-40:mg      -0.20623931  0.024568406  0.003859249
5-40:mo      -0.18839688  0.088284562 -0.091687650
5-40:p       -0.05815599 -0.356009711 -0.331855614
5-40:phh2o   -0.20913015 -0.136402606  0.231305023
5-40:sat     -0.23242211 -0.108966466  0.156171747
R source
## A fração dos carregamentos mais importantes.
imp <- function(x, f=0.25){
    a <- abs(x)
    k <- ceiling(f*length(x))
    i <- sort(a, decreasing=TRUE)[k]
    x[a<=i] <- NA

apply(pca$loadings[,1:3], MARGIN=2, FUN=imp, f=0.25)
R output
                 Comp.1     Comp.2     Comp.3
0-5:acc              NA         NA         NA
0-5:arg              NA  0.2709701         NA
0-5:ca       -0.2389524         NA         NA
0-5:ctctot   -0.2394716         NA         NA
0-5:k                NA         NA         NA
0-5:mg               NA         NA         NA
0-5:mo               NA         NA         NA
0-5:p                NA         NA  0.2290278
0-5:phh2o            NA         NA         NA
0-5:sat              NA         NA         NA
40-80:acc            NA         NA  0.3792476
40-80:arg            NA         NA -0.3806035
40-80:ca     -0.2195746         NA         NA
40-80:ctctot         NA         NA         NA
40-80:k              NA -0.3636388         NA
40-80:mg             NA         NA         NA
40-80:mo             NA         NA -0.2271094
40-80:p              NA -0.3391835 -0.3996530
40-80:phh2o          NA         NA         NA
40-80:sat    -0.2359495         NA         NA
5-40:acc             NA -0.2589925         NA
5-40:arg             NA  0.2794301         NA
5-40:ca      -0.2240974         NA         NA
5-40:ctctot  -0.2279698         NA         NA
5-40:k               NA -0.3215174         NA
5-40:mg              NA         NA         NA
5-40:mo              NA         NA         NA
5-40:p               NA -0.3560097 -0.3318556
5-40:phh2o           NA         NA  0.2313050
5-40:sat     -0.2324221         NA         NA
R source
## 1º componente: Ca, CTC e Saturação.
## 2º componente: AreiaCascalhoCalhau, pH, K, P, Argila.
## 3º componente: MO, ACC, Arg, K, P.

Apenas a camada 0-5 cm

R source
## PCA: Análise de Componentes Principais.

## X <- de[, colwise(is.numeric)(de)]
X <- de[, grep(x=names(de), pattern="0-5:")]

pca <- princomp(x=X, cor=TRUE)
R output
Importance of components:
                          Comp.1    Comp.2     Comp.3     Comp.4
Standard deviation     2.3914793 1.2718925 0.91795233 0.74270375
Proportion of Variance 0.5719173 0.1617710 0.08426365 0.05516089
Cumulative Proportion  0.5719173 0.7336884 0.81795202 0.87311290
                           Comp.5    Comp.6     Comp.7     Comp.8
Standard deviation     0.72159599 0.6108150 0.43054429 0.33730446
Proportion of Variance 0.05207008 0.0373095 0.01853684 0.01137743
Cumulative Proportion  0.92518298 0.9624925 0.98102932 0.99240675
                            Comp.9      Comp.10
Standard deviation     0.267333818 0.0668218688
Proportion of Variance 0.007146737 0.0004465162
Cumulative Proportion  0.999553484 1.0000000000
R source
## Variâncias.

## Variância de cada componente.
screeplot(pca, type="lines", main=NULL)
R source
## Proporção de variância acumulada.
## str(pca)

plot(cumsum(pca$sdev^2)/sum(pca$sdev^2), type="o",
     xlab="Componente", ylab="Proporção de variância acumulada")
abline(h=0.75, lty=2)
R source
## Gráficos biplot.

biplot(pca, choices=c(1,2))
R source
biplot(pca, choices=c(1,3))
R source
biplot(pca, choices=c(2,3))
R source
## Agrupamento hierárquico.

di <- dist(pca$scores[,1:3], method="euclidean")
tree <- hclust(di, method="ward.D")

plot(tree, xlab="")
k <- 3
rect.hclust(tree, k=k, border="red")
R source
## Pontos que pertencem a cada grupo.
g <- cutree(tree, k=k)
split(as.character(de$local), f=g)
R output
 [1] "20" "7"  "6"  "36" "2"  "21" "40" "35" "9"  "25" "16" "10" "37"
[14] "5"  "39" "14" "46" "45" "23" "38"

 [1] "15" "1"  "32" "18" "19" "44" "12" "42" "26" "13" "22" "33" "8" 
[14] "4"  "31" "11" "27" "30" "3"  "24" "29" "17" "47" "28"

[1] "43" "41" "50" "48" "49" "34"
R source
## Carregamentos.

R output
               Comp.1      Comp.2       Comp.3
0-5:acc     0.2844891 -0.44005683 -0.393803394
0-5:arg    -0.2536422  0.52733608  0.316575254
0-5:ca     -0.3936613 -0.04840003  0.157913933
0-5:ctctot -0.3985748  0.04401529 -0.017491028
0-5:k      -0.3021483 -0.25118328 -0.228470513
0-5:mg     -0.2839132  0.12025369 -0.544920719
0-5:mo     -0.3097933  0.07594248 -0.261172323
0-5:p      -0.1098093 -0.55740728  0.549597523
0-5:phh2o  -0.3498059 -0.30599093 -0.006700861
0-5:sat    -0.3722984 -0.19060996 -0.002358581
R source
apply(pca$loadings[,1:3], MARGIN=2, FUN=imp, f=0.25)
R output
               Comp.1     Comp.2     Comp.3
0-5:acc            NA         NA         NA
0-5:arg            NA  0.5273361         NA
0-5:ca     -0.3936613         NA         NA
0-5:ctctot -0.3985748         NA         NA
0-5:k              NA         NA         NA
0-5:mg             NA         NA -0.5449207
0-5:mo             NA         NA         NA
0-5:p              NA -0.5574073  0.5495975
0-5:phh2o          NA         NA         NA
0-5:sat            NA         NA         NA

Apenas a camada 5-40 cm

R source
## PCA: Análise de Componentes Principais.

## X <- de[, colwise(is.numeric)(de)]
X <- de[, grep(x=names(de), pattern="5-40:")]

pca <- princomp(x=X, cor=TRUE)
R output
Importance of components:
                          Comp.1    Comp.2    Comp.3     Comp.4
Standard deviation     2.3553777 1.3498894 0.8639878 0.80205996
Proportion of Variance 0.5547804 0.1822201 0.0746475 0.06433002
Cumulative Proportion  0.5547804 0.7370006 0.8116481 0.87597808
                           Comp.5     Comp.6     Comp.7     Comp.8
Standard deviation     0.68256372 0.53250884 0.51294287 0.37433588
Proportion of Variance 0.04658932 0.02835657 0.02631104 0.01401273
Cumulative Proportion  0.92256740 0.95092396 0.97723500 0.99124774
                           Comp.9      Comp.10
Standard deviation     0.27856095 0.0996314495
Proportion of Variance 0.00775962 0.0009926426
Cumulative Proportion  0.99900736 1.0000000000
R source
## Variâncias.

## Variância de cada componente.
screeplot(pca, type="lines", main=NULL)
R source
## Proporção de variância acumulada.
## str(pca)

plot(cumsum(pca$sdev^2)/sum(pca$sdev^2), type="o",
     xlab="Componente", ylab="Proporção de variância acumulada")
abline(h=0.75, lty=2)
R source
## Gráficos biplot.

biplot(pca, choices=c(1,2))
R source
biplot(pca, choices=c(1,3))
R source
biplot(pca, choices=c(2,3))
R source
## Agrupamento hierárquico.

di <- dist(pca$scores[,1:3], method="euclidean")
tree <- hclust(di, method="ward.D")

plot(tree, xlab="")
k <- 3
rect.hclust(tree, k=k, border="red")
R source
## Pontos que pertencem a cada grupo.
g <- cutree(tree, k=k)
split(as.character(de$local), f=g)
R output
 [1] "20" "7"  "6"  "36" "2"  "40" "35" "9"  "25" "16" "10" "5"  "39"
[14] "15" "14" "32" "18" "46" "45" "30" "38"

 [1] "21" "37" "1"  "19" "12" "41" "13" "22" "23" "8"  "4"  "11" "27"
[14] "3"  "24" "29" "28"

 [1] "44" "43" "42" "26" "33" "31" "50" "48" "49" "17" "47" "34"
R source
## Carregamentos.

R output
                 Comp.1      Comp.2      Comp.3
5-40:acc     0.29776624  0.33606119  0.17901163
5-40:arg    -0.31696590 -0.35789735 -0.28434089
5-40:ca     -0.39339162 -0.07061065  0.23389708
5-40:ctctot -0.39508633 -0.13662716 -0.05437855
5-40:k      -0.15142410  0.50680514 -0.62374686
5-40:mg     -0.33370060  0.04283592 -0.35869216
5-40:mo     -0.33764983 -0.05989423  0.46192355
5-40:p      -0.05529923  0.56539073  0.19486354
5-40:phh2o  -0.33354496  0.30179445  0.19602143
5-40:sat    -0.37069490  0.24959823  0.14815683
R source
apply(pca$loadings[,1:3], MARGIN=2, FUN=imp, f=0.25)
R output
                Comp.1    Comp.2     Comp.3
5-40:acc            NA        NA         NA
5-40:arg            NA        NA         NA
5-40:ca     -0.3933916        NA         NA
5-40:ctctot -0.3950863        NA         NA
5-40:k              NA 0.5068051 -0.6237469
5-40:mg             NA        NA         NA
5-40:mo             NA        NA  0.4619236
5-40:p              NA 0.5653907         NA
5-40:phh2o          NA        NA         NA
5-40:sat            NA        NA         NA

Apenas a camada 40-80 cm

R source
## PCA: Análise de Componentes Principais.

## X <- de[, colwise(is.numeric)(de)]
X <- de[, grep(x=names(de), pattern="40-80:")]

pca <- princomp(x=X, cor=TRUE)
R output
Importance of components:
                          Comp.1    Comp.2    Comp.3     Comp.4
Standard deviation     2.2711731 1.2073338 1.0909202 0.89999412
Proportion of Variance 0.5158227 0.1457655 0.1190107 0.08099894
Cumulative Proportion  0.5158227 0.6615882 0.7805989 0.86159783
                           Comp.5     Comp.6     Comp.7     Comp.8
Standard deviation     0.73074501 0.60758813 0.48046502 0.38431448
Proportion of Variance 0.05339883 0.03691633 0.02308466 0.01476976
Cumulative Proportion  0.91499666 0.95191299 0.97499766 0.98976742
                            Comp.9     Comp.10
Standard deviation     0.294483533 0.124921071
Proportion of Variance 0.008672055 0.001560527
Cumulative Proportion  0.998439473 1.000000000
R source
## Variâncias.

## Variância de cada componente.
screeplot(pca, type="lines", main=NULL)
R source
## Proporção de variância acumulada.
## str(pca)

plot(cumsum(pca$sdev^2)/sum(pca$sdev^2), type="o",
     xlab="Componente", ylab="Proporção de variância acumulada")
abline(h=0.75, lty=2)
R source
## Gráficos biplot.

biplot(pca, choices=c(1,2))
R source
biplot(pca, choices=c(1,3))
R source
biplot(pca, choices=c(2,3))
R source
## Agrupamento hierárquico.

di <- dist(pca$scores[,1:3], method="euclidean")
tree <- hclust(di, method="ward.D")

plot(tree, xlab="")
k <- 3
rect.hclust(tree, k=k, border="red")
R source
## Pontos que pertencem a cada grupo.
g <- cutree(tree, k=k)
split(as.character(de$local), f=g)
R output
 [1] "20" "7"  "6"  "36" "2"  "21" "40" "35" "9"  "25" "16" "10" "5" 
[14] "39" "15" "14" "32" "18" "46" "45" "13" "8"  "4"  "38"

 [1] "37" "1"  "44" "43" "42" "33" "50" "11" "30" "48" "49" "3"  "17"
[14] "47" "34"

 [1] "19" "12" "41" "26" "22" "23" "31" "27" "24" "29" "28"
R source
## Carregamentos.

R output
                 Comp.1      Comp.2      Comp.3
40-80:acc     0.2556601  0.13035258 -0.67884342
40-80:arg    -0.3289008 -0.06738028  0.49360578
40-80:ca     -0.3741251  0.35743081 -0.12474009
40-80:ctctot -0.3494005  0.33612876 -0.17421578
40-80:k      -0.2006861 -0.47529938 -0.17943385
40-80:mg     -0.3732657 -0.01893580 -0.16523367
40-80:mo     -0.2537319 -0.13106693 -0.41760809
40-80:p      -0.1318250 -0.70032507 -0.11908213
40-80:phh2o  -0.3693664  0.02509679  0.01543191
40-80:sat    -0.4081916  0.05654300 -0.03605322
R source
apply(pca$loadings[,1:3], MARGIN=2, FUN=imp, f=0.25)
R output
                 Comp.1     Comp.2     Comp.3
40-80:acc            NA         NA -0.6788434
40-80:arg            NA         NA  0.4936058
40-80:ca     -0.3741251         NA         NA
40-80:ctctot         NA         NA         NA
40-80:k              NA -0.4752994         NA
40-80:mg             NA         NA         NA
40-80:mo             NA         NA         NA
40-80:p              NA -0.7003251         NA
40-80:phh2o          NA         NA         NA
40-80:sat    -0.4081916         NA         NA

Regressão linear múltipla

A camada de 0-5 cm não será considerada nessa análise por ela ser predominantemente resultado da deposição de material organico proveniente da floresta.

R source

sel <- grep(x=names(de), pattern="0-5", invert=TRUE)
db <- merge(subset(de, select=sel),
            subset(da, camada=="0-5", select=c("local","vol")))
R output
'data.frame':  50 obs. of  22 variables:
 $ local       : Factor w/ 50 levels "20","7","6","36",..: 18 12 38 25 30 17 16 11 47 20 ...
 $ 40-80:acc   : num  676 594 411 386 638 ...
 $ 40-80:arg   : num  286 380 588 572 324 ...
 $ 40-80:ca    : num  2.33 0.36 2.23 2 0.8 1.32 0.87 0.86 3.22 1.11 ...
 $ 40-80:ctctot: num  4.52 4.54 5.91 5.84 3.47 4 3.86 3.68 5.71 3.97 ...
 $ 40-80:k     : num  7.23 7.23 25.8 26.22 13.11 ...
 $ 40-80:mg    : num  0.51 0.12 1.02 1.92 0.32 0.06 0.36 0.2 0.37 0.59 ...
 $ 40-80:mo    : num  9.7 8.8 8.4 11.4 10.9 7.6 9.7 10.3 12.2 9.5 ...
 $ 40-80:p     : num  0.01 0.1 0.01 5.29 5.56 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 ...
 $ 40-80:phh2o : num  6.7 5.5 6.4 6.3 5.1 5.4 5.5 5.4 6.4 5.9 ...
 $ 40-80:sat   : num  63.2 11 56.1 68.2 33.2 ...
 $ 5-40:acc    : num  750 623 617 608 736 ...
 $ 5-40:arg    : num  215 314 347 311 263 ...
 $ 5-40:ca     : num  2.91 0.72 2.3 2.9 2.24 0.89 2.32 1.34 3.97 1.36 ...
 $ 5-40:ctctot : num  6.57 3.86 5.71 7.48 4.7 4.73 5.3 4.27 9.38 5.51 ...
 $ 5-40:k      : num  13.4 10.3 71.2 30.6 16.4 ...
 $ 5-40:mg     : num  1.77 0.37 0.75 1.91 0.1 0.19 0.35 0.3 2.75 0.77 ...
 $ 5-40:mo     : num  25.6 6.9 14.2 22.1 10.7 9.6 12.5 12.7 21.4 13.6 ...
 $ 5-40:p      : num  0.83 1.04 0.21 5.99 5.9 0.29 0.59 0.69 1.46 0.31 ...
 $ 5-40:phh2o  : num  6.7 5 6 5.8 5.3 5.1 5.6 5.2 6.8 5.1 ...
 $ 5-40:sat    : num  71.7 28.9 56.6 65.3 50.7 ...
 $ vol         : num  0.271 0.176 0.433 0.344 0.372 0.258 0.255 0.171 0.544 0.316 ...
R source
m0 <- lm(vol~., data=db[,-1])
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(m0); layout(1)
R source
## ## Fica mais adequado se considerar transformação sqrt().
## MASS::boxcox(m0)
## m0 <- update(m0, sqrt(.)~.)
## par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(m0); layout(1)

## Stepwise por BIC.

k <- log(nrow(db)); k ## Critério BIC.
R output
[1] 3.912023
R source
## Y original, camadas 5-40 e 40-80.
m1 <- step(lm(vol~., data=db[,-1]), k=k, trace=0)
R output

lm(formula = vol ~ `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:phh2o`, 
    data = db[, -1])

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.22670 -0.05807  0.01265  0.06111  0.22487 

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    0.003077   0.195882   0.016  0.98754    
`40-80:phh2o` -0.110869   0.044498  -2.492  0.01639 *  
`40-80:sat`    0.004777   0.001269   3.766  0.00047 ***
`5-40:phh2o`   0.131077   0.033511   3.911  0.00030 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.0935 on 46 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6355,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.6117 
F-statistic: 26.73 on 3 and 46 DF,  p-value: 3.684e-10
R source
## raíz de Y , camadas 5-40 e 40-80.
m1 <- step(lm(sqrt(vol)~., data=db[,-1]), k=k, trace=0)
R output

lm(formula = sqrt(vol) ~ `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:phh2o`, 
    data = db[, -1])

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.24880 -0.05996  0.02020  0.05424  0.21490 

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    0.303020   0.183197   1.654 0.104924    
`40-80:phh2o` -0.109009   0.041616  -2.619 0.011892 *  
`40-80:sat`    0.004931   0.001187   4.156 0.000139 ***
`5-40:phh2o`   0.115363   0.031341   3.681 0.000608 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.08744 on 46 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6439,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.6207 
F-statistic: 27.73 on 3 and 46 DF,  p-value: 2.162e-10
R source
## Y original, apenas camada 5-40.
a <- subset(db, select=grep(x=names(db),
                    pattern="(40-80|local)", invert=TRUE))
m1 <- step(lm(vol~., data=a), k=k, trace=0)
R output

lm(formula = vol ~ `5-40:sat`, data = a)

      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
-0.215261 -0.061699 -0.002625  0.067258  0.248292 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 0.0290336  0.0373747   0.777    0.441    
`5-40:sat`  0.0056437  0.0006588   8.567 3.11e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.09533 on 48 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6046,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.5963 
F-statistic: 73.39 on 1 and 48 DF,  p-value: 3.106e-11
R source
## raíz de Y, apenas camada 5-40.
a <- subset(db, select=grep(x=names(db),
                    pattern="(40-80|local)", invert=TRUE))
m1 <- step(lm(sqrt(vol)~., data=a), k=k, trace=0)
R output

lm(formula = sqrt(vol) ~ `5-40:sat`, data = a)

      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
-0.230061 -0.072021 -0.001073  0.065797  0.235749 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 0.2698080  0.0348826   7.735 5.55e-10 ***
`5-40:sat`  0.0053878  0.0006149   8.763 1.59e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.08897 on 48 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6153,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.6073 
F-statistic: 76.78 on 1 and 48 DF,  p-value: 1.59e-11
R source

m1 <- step(m0, k=k)
R output
Start:  AIC=-180.47
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ca` + `40-80:ctctot` + 
    `40-80:k` + `40-80:mg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:p` + `40-80:phh2o` + 
    `40-80:sat` + `5-40:acc` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ca` + `5-40:ctctot` + 
    `5-40:k` + `5-40:mg` + `5-40:mo` + `5-40:p` + `5-40:phh2o` + 

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:ca`       1  0.000107 0.26183 -184.36
- `5-40:sat`      1  0.000225 0.26195 -184.34
- `40-80:ca`      1  0.001077 0.26280 -184.18
- `40-80:k`       1  0.001119 0.26284 -184.17
- `5-40:mo`       1  0.001649 0.26337 -184.07
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.001871 0.26360 -184.03
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.004043 0.26577 -183.62
- `5-40:p`        1  0.004843 0.26657 -183.47
- `5-40:k`        1  0.004938 0.26666 -183.45
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.006725 0.26845 -183.12
- `40-80:p`       1  0.009241 0.27097 -182.65
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.010559 0.27228 -182.41
- `5-40:acc`      1  0.010588 0.27231 -182.40
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.012638 0.27436 -182.03
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.014563 0.27629 -181.68
                        0.26172 -180.47
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.023830 0.28555 -180.03
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.024089 0.28581 -179.98
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.024126 0.28585 -179.97
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.026591 0.28831 -179.55
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.063405 0.32513 -173.54

Step:  AIC=-184.36
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ca` + `40-80:ctctot` + 
    `40-80:k` + `40-80:mg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:p` + `40-80:phh2o` + 
    `40-80:sat` + `5-40:acc` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:k` + 
    `5-40:mg` + `5-40:mo` + `5-40:p` + `5-40:phh2o` + `5-40:sat`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:sat`      1  0.001121 0.26295 -188.06
- `40-80:ca`      1  0.001145 0.26298 -188.06
- `40-80:k`       1  0.001279 0.26311 -188.03
- `5-40:mo`       1  0.001566 0.26340 -187.98
- `5-40:p`        1  0.004741 0.26657 -187.38
- `5-40:k`        1  0.004831 0.26666 -187.36
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.005387 0.26722 -187.26
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.008851 0.27068 -186.61
- `40-80:p`       1  0.009165 0.27100 -186.56
- `5-40:acc`      1  0.010505 0.27234 -186.31
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.010979 0.27281 -186.22
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.015156 0.27699 -185.46
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.016406 0.27824 -185.24
                        0.26183 -184.36
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.024095 0.28593 -183.87
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.025492 0.28732 -183.63
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.026926 0.28876 -183.38
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.028209 0.29004 -183.16
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.040284 0.30212 -181.12
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.070133 0.33196 -176.41

Step:  AIC=-188.06
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ca` + `40-80:ctctot` + 
    `40-80:k` + `40-80:mg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:p` + `40-80:phh2o` + 
    `40-80:sat` + `5-40:acc` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:k` + 
    `5-40:mg` + `5-40:mo` + `5-40:p` + `5-40:phh2o`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `40-80:ca`      1  0.000704 0.26366 -191.84
- `5-40:mo`       1  0.001096 0.26405 -191.77
- `40-80:k`       1  0.001487 0.26444 -191.69
- `5-40:k`        1  0.005167 0.26812 -191.00
- `5-40:p`        1  0.005548 0.26850 -190.93
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.006271 0.26922 -190.80
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.007793 0.27075 -190.51
- `5-40:acc`      1  0.010360 0.27331 -190.04
- `40-80:p`       1  0.010459 0.27341 -190.02
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.011264 0.27422 -189.88
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.014595 0.27755 -189.27
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.015327 0.27828 -189.14
                        0.26295 -188.06
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.025905 0.28886 -187.28
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.026308 0.28926 -187.21
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.027521 0.29047 -187.00
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.044745 0.30770 -184.12
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.061432 0.32438 -181.48
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.099115 0.36207 -175.98

Step:  AIC=-191.84
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ctctot` + `40-80:k` + 
    `40-80:mg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:p` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + 
    `5-40:acc` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:k` + `5-40:mg` + 
    `5-40:mo` + `5-40:p` + `5-40:phh2o`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:mo`       1  0.000718 0.26437 -195.62
- `40-80:k`       1  0.001542 0.26520 -195.46
- `5-40:p`        1  0.005487 0.26914 -194.72
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.006715 0.27037 -194.50
- `5-40:k`        1  0.007500 0.27116 -194.35
- `5-40:acc`      1  0.009848 0.27350 -193.92
- `40-80:p`       1  0.010326 0.27398 -193.83
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.010561 0.27422 -193.79
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.016122 0.27978 -192.78
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.017595 0.28125 -192.52
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.019190 0.28285 -192.24
                        0.26366 -191.84
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.025362 0.28902 -191.16
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.026036 0.28969 -191.04
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.027438 0.29109 -190.80
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.061716 0.32537 -185.24
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.091015 0.35467 -180.93
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.099474 0.36313 -179.75

Step:  AIC=-195.62
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ctctot` + `40-80:k` + 
    `40-80:mg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:p` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + 
    `5-40:acc` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:k` + `5-40:mg` + 
    `5-40:p` + `5-40:phh2o`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `40-80:k`       1  0.001479 0.26585 -199.25
- `5-40:p`        1  0.005245 0.26962 -198.55
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.007518 0.27189 -198.13
- `5-40:k`        1  0.008083 0.27246 -198.02
- `5-40:acc`      1  0.009790 0.27416 -197.71
- `40-80:p`       1  0.009922 0.27430 -197.69
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.009948 0.27432 -197.68
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.015426 0.27980 -196.69
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.018422 0.28280 -196.16
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.018515 0.28289 -196.14
                        0.26437 -195.62
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.025320 0.28969 -194.96
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.031357 0.29573 -193.92
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.036901 0.30128 -193.00
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.061060 0.32543 -189.14
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.092695 0.35707 -184.50
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.099710 0.36408 -183.53

Step:  AIC=-199.25
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ctctot` + `40-80:mg` + 
    `40-80:mo` + `40-80:p` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:acc` + 
    `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:k` + `5-40:mg` + `5-40:p` + 

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:p`        1  0.004203 0.27006 -202.38
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.008143 0.27400 -201.65
- `40-80:p`       1  0.009014 0.27487 -201.49
- `5-40:acc`      1  0.009636 0.27549 -201.38
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.009905 0.27576 -201.33
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.016459 0.28231 -200.16
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.019473 0.28533 -199.63
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.019876 0.28573 -199.56
- `5-40:k`        1  0.020617 0.28647 -199.43
                        0.26585 -199.25
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.029776 0.29563 -197.85
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.032036 0.29789 -197.47
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.037936 0.30379 -196.49
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.060267 0.32612 -192.94
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.098231 0.36408 -187.44
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.100325 0.36618 -187.15

Step:  AIC=-202.38
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ctctot` + `40-80:mg` + 
    `40-80:mo` + `40-80:p` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:acc` + 
    `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:k` + `5-40:mg` + `5-40:phh2o`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `40-80:p`       1  0.008115 0.27817 -204.81
- `5-40:acc`      1  0.008296 0.27835 -204.78
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.009743 0.27980 -204.52
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.013747 0.28380 -203.81
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.016550 0.28661 -203.31
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.018136 0.28819 -203.04
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.019502 0.28956 -202.80
- `5-40:k`        1  0.019534 0.28959 -202.80
                        0.27006 -202.38
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.032813 0.30287 -200.56
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.032860 0.30292 -200.55
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.036152 0.30621 -200.01
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.060791 0.33085 -196.14
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.094096 0.36415 -191.34
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.112285 0.38234 -188.91

Step:  AIC=-204.81
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ctctot` + `40-80:mg` + 
    `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:acc` + `5-40:arg` + 
    `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:k` + `5-40:mg` + `5-40:phh2o`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:acc`      1  0.006208 0.28438 -207.62
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.007174 0.28535 -207.45
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.010547 0.28872 -206.86
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.011949 0.29012 -206.62
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.013339 0.29151 -206.38
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.018695 0.29687 -205.47
- `5-40:k`        1  0.022625 0.30080 -204.81
                        0.27817 -204.81
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.028275 0.30645 -203.88
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.029923 0.30810 -203.61
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.053270 0.33144 -199.96
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.066141 0.34431 -198.06
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.099795 0.37797 -193.39
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.111053 0.38922 -191.93

Step:  AIC=-207.62
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ctctot` + `40-80:mg` + 
    `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + 
    `5-40:k` + `5-40:mg` + `5-40:phh2o`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:mg`       1  0.006723 0.29110 -210.36
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.008502 0.29288 -210.06
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.012677 0.29706 -209.35
- `5-40:k`        1  0.020946 0.30533 -207.98
                        0.28438 -207.62
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.024033 0.30841 -207.47
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.025762 0.31014 -207.19
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.044524 0.32890 -204.26
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.050005 0.33438 -203.43
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.052773 0.33715 -203.02
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.060237 0.34462 -201.92
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.093661 0.37804 -197.29
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.110419 0.39480 -195.13

Step:  AIC=-210.36
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ctctot` + `40-80:mg` + 
    `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + 
    `5-40:k` + `5-40:phh2o`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `40-80:mg`      1  0.007148 0.29825 -213.06
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.008172 0.29928 -212.89
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.018635 0.30974 -211.17
- `5-40:k`        1  0.022188 0.31329 -210.60
                        0.29110 -210.36
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.026481 0.31758 -209.92
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.049427 0.34053 -206.43
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.052738 0.34384 -205.95
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.055324 0.34643 -205.57
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.065444 0.35655 -204.13
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.100051 0.39115 -199.50
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.110856 0.40196 -198.14

Step:  AIC=-213.06
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ctctot` + `40-80:mo` + 
    `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + 
    `5-40:k` + `5-40:phh2o`

                 Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `40-80:ctctot`  1  0.003688 0.30194 -216.36
- `5-40:k`        1  0.015646 0.31390 -214.41
                        0.29825 -213.06
- `5-40:ctctot`   1  0.025944 0.32419 -212.80
- `5-40:arg`      1  0.031315 0.32957 -211.98
- `40-80:arg`     1  0.044686 0.34294 -209.99
- `40-80:mo`      1  0.045938 0.34419 -209.81
- `40-80:acc`     1  0.049417 0.34767 -209.31
- `5-40:phh2o`    1  0.083206 0.38146 -204.67
- `40-80:phh2o`   1  0.092940 0.39119 -203.41
- `40-80:sat`     1  0.109792 0.40804 -201.30

Step:  AIC=-216.36
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + 
    `40-80:sat` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:k` + `5-40:phh2o`

                Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:k`       1  0.020431 0.32237 -217.00
- `5-40:ctctot`  1  0.022577 0.32452 -216.66
                       0.30194 -216.36
- `5-40:arg`     1  0.034339 0.33628 -214.88
- `40-80:arg`    1  0.041696 0.34363 -213.80
- `40-80:acc`    1  0.046178 0.34812 -213.15
- `40-80:mo`     1  0.048973 0.35091 -212.75
- `5-40:phh2o`   1  0.080933 0.38287 -208.40
- `40-80:phh2o`  1  0.091434 0.39337 -207.04
- `40-80:sat`    1  0.111723 0.41366 -204.53

Step:  AIC=-217
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + 
    `40-80:sat` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:phh2o`

                Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:arg`     1  0.022303 0.34467 -217.56
- `5-40:ctctot`  1  0.024537 0.34691 -217.24
- `40-80:arg`    1  0.024579 0.34695 -217.23
                       0.32237 -217.00
- `40-80:acc`    1  0.037557 0.35993 -215.40
- `40-80:mo`     1  0.041818 0.36419 -214.81
- `40-80:phh2o`  1  0.084474 0.40684 -209.27
- `40-80:sat`    1  0.109655 0.43202 -206.27
- `5-40:phh2o`   1  0.113570 0.43594 -205.82

Step:  AIC=-217.56
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + 
    `40-80:sat` + `5-40:ctctot` + `5-40:phh2o`

                Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `5-40:ctctot`  1  0.005038 0.34971 -220.75
- `40-80:arg`    1  0.011648 0.35632 -219.81
                       0.34467 -217.56
- `40-80:mo`     1  0.030116 0.37479 -217.29
- `40-80:acc`    1  0.035307 0.37998 -216.60
- `40-80:phh2o`  1  0.071134 0.41581 -212.09
- `40-80:sat`    1  0.092782 0.43745 -209.56
- `5-40:phh2o`   1  0.098687 0.44336 -208.89

Step:  AIC=-220.75
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + 
    `40-80:sat` + `5-40:phh2o`

                Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `40-80:arg`    1  0.014055 0.36377 -222.69
- `40-80:mo`     1  0.026508 0.37622 -221.01
                       0.34971 -220.75
- `40-80:acc`    1  0.033123 0.38283 -220.14
- `40-80:phh2o`  1  0.066609 0.41632 -215.94
- `40-80:sat`    1  0.090187 0.43990 -213.19
- `5-40:phh2o`   1  0.094898 0.44461 -212.66

Step:  AIC=-222.69
vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + 

                Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `40-80:acc`    1  0.019911 0.38368 -223.94
- `40-80:mo`     1  0.022775 0.38654 -223.57
                       0.36377 -222.69
- `40-80:phh2o`  1  0.066663 0.43043 -218.19
- `40-80:sat`    1  0.076824 0.44059 -217.02
- `5-40:phh2o`   1  0.153534 0.51730 -209.00

Step:  AIC=-223.94
vol ~ `40-80:mo` + `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:phh2o`

                Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
- `40-80:mo`     1  0.018436 0.40211 -225.50
                       0.38368 -223.94
- `40-80:phh2o`  1  0.054789 0.43847 -221.18
- `40-80:sat`    1  0.092741 0.47642 -217.03
- `5-40:phh2o`   1  0.139613 0.52329 -212.33

Step:  AIC=-225.5
vol ~ `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:phh2o`

                Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
                       0.40211 -225.50
- `40-80:phh2o`  1  0.054267 0.45638 -223.09
- `40-80:sat`    1  0.123952 0.52606 -215.98
- `5-40:phh2o`   1  0.133744 0.53586 -215.06
R source
## anova(m1)
anova(m1, m0)
R output
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: vol ~ `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:phh2o`
Model 2: vol ~ `40-80:acc` + `40-80:arg` + `40-80:ca` + `40-80:ctctot` + 
    `40-80:k` + `40-80:mg` + `40-80:mo` + `40-80:p` + `40-80:phh2o` + 
    `40-80:sat` + `5-40:acc` + `5-40:arg` + `5-40:ca` + `5-40:ctctot` + 
    `5-40:k` + `5-40:mg` + `5-40:mo` + `5-40:p` + `5-40:phh2o` + 
  Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq     F Pr(>F)
1     46 0.40211                          
2     29 0.26172 17   0.14039 0.915 0.5654
R source
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(m1); layout(1)
R source
## im <- influence.measures(m1)
## summary(im)

R output

lm(formula = vol ~ `40-80:phh2o` + `40-80:sat` + `5-40:phh2o`, 
    data = db[, -1])

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.22670 -0.05807  0.01265  0.06111  0.22487 

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    0.003077   0.195882   0.016  0.98754    
`40-80:phh2o` -0.110869   0.044498  -2.492  0.01639 *  
`40-80:sat`    0.004777   0.001269   3.766  0.00047 ***
`5-40:phh2o`   0.131077   0.033511   3.911  0.00030 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.0935 on 46 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6355,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.6117 
F-statistic: 26.73 on 3 and 46 DF,  p-value: 3.684e-10

Árvore de regressão (preliminar, opcinal)

R source
## Pacote rpart.

R message
Loading required package: rpart
R source
dc <- db
names(dc) <- gsub(x=names(db),

ar1 <- rpart(vol~., data=dc[,-1], method="anova")

## printcp(ar1)
## plotcp(ar1)
R output
rpart(formula = vol ~ ., data = dc[, -1], method = "anova")
  n= 50 

          CP nsplit rel error    xerror       xstd
1 0.58461810      0 1.0000000 1.0359599 0.16739926
2 0.10189705      1 0.4153819 0.5482849 0.11461095
3 0.06389554      2 0.3134848 0.5434564 0.11673920
4 0.01000000      3 0.2495893 0.4292373 0.08690008

Variable importance
    sat_5_40    sat_40_80      ca_5_40   phh2o_5_40     ca_40_80 
          19           17           16           15           14 
 phh2o_40_80      mo_5_40    acc_40_80 ctctot_40_80 
          14            3            1            1 

Node number 1: 50 observations,    complexity param=0.5846181
  mean=0.32766, MSE=0.02206298 
  left son=2 (23 obs) right son=3 (27 obs)
  Primary splits:
      sat_5_40    < 53.17   to the left,  improve=0.5846181, (0 missing)
      phh2o_5_40  < 5.65    to the left,  improve=0.5320022, (0 missing)
      phh2o_40_80 < 6.05    to the left,  improve=0.5194287, (0 missing)
      sat_40_80   < 54.815  to the left,  improve=0.5179540, (0 missing)
      ca_40_80    < 2.005   to the left,  improve=0.4866620, (0 missing)
  Surrogate splits:
      sat_40_80   < 54.815  to the left,  agree=0.96, adj=0.913, (0 split)
      phh2o_5_40  < 5.65    to the left,  agree=0.96, adj=0.913, (0 split)
      phh2o_40_80 < 6.05    to the left,  agree=0.94, adj=0.870, (0 split)
      ca_5_40     < 2.245   to the left,  agree=0.92, adj=0.826, (0 split)
      ca_40_80    < 1.385   to the left,  agree=0.90, adj=0.783, (0 split)

Node number 2: 23 observations,    complexity param=0.1018971
  mean=0.2046087, MSE=0.01035963 
  left son=4 (10 obs) right son=5 (13 obs)
  Primary splits:
      mo_5_40   < 9.15    to the left,  improve=0.4717629, (0 missing)
      ca_5_40   < 0.825   to the left,  improve=0.3711853, (0 missing)
      sat_40_80 < 22.505  to the left,  improve=0.3621908, (0 missing)
      acc_5_40  < 641.93  to the right, improve=0.2864897, (0 missing)
      sat_5_40  < 29.435  to the left,  improve=0.2846545, (0 missing)
  Surrogate splits:
      sat_40_80 < 22.505  to the left,  agree=0.870, adj=0.7, (0 split)
      ca_5_40   < 0.825   to the left,  agree=0.870, adj=0.7, (0 split)
      sat_5_40  < 30.435  to the left,  agree=0.870, adj=0.7, (0 split)
      ca_40_80  < 0.48    to the left,  agree=0.783, adj=0.5, (0 split)
      acc_40_80 < 604.57  to the right, agree=0.739, adj=0.4, (0 split)

Node number 3: 27 observations,    complexity param=0.06389554
  mean=0.4324815, MSE=0.008146546 
  left son=6 (17 obs) right son=7 (10 obs)
  Primary splits:
      sat_5_40  < 72.085  to the left,  improve=0.3204553, (0 missing)
      ca_40_80  < 2.41    to the left,  improve=0.2556067, (0 missing)
      acc_40_80 < 391.955 to the left,  improve=0.2370571, (0 missing)
      mo_40_80  < 11.8    to the left,  improve=0.2093786, (0 missing)
      k_5_40    < 33.61   to the left,  improve=0.1886836, (0 missing)
  Surrogate splits:
      ca_5_40      < 6.055   to the left,  agree=0.852, adj=0.6, (0 split)
      ca_40_80     < 2.545   to the left,  agree=0.815, adj=0.5, (0 split)
      sat_40_80    < 72.445  to the left,  agree=0.815, adj=0.5, (0 split)
      phh2o_5_40   < 6.75    to the left,  agree=0.815, adj=0.5, (0 split)
      ctctot_40_80 < 6.75    to the left,  agree=0.778, adj=0.4, (0 split)

Node number 4: 10 observations
  mean=0.1249, MSE=0.00237549 

Node number 5: 13 observations
  mean=0.2659231, MSE=0.007854533 

Node number 6: 17 observations
  mean=0.3932941, MSE=0.003174325 

Node number 7: 10 observations
  mean=0.4991, MSE=0.00955069 
R source
R output

Regression tree:
rpart(formula = vol ~ ., data = dc[, -1], method = "anova")

Variables actually used in tree construction:
[1] mo_5_40  sat_5_40

Root node error: 1.1031/50 = 0.022063

n= 50 

        CP nsplit rel error  xerror    xstd
1 0.584618      0   1.00000 1.03596 0.16740
2 0.101897      1   0.41538 0.54828 0.11461
3 0.063896      2   0.31348 0.54346 0.11674
4 0.010000      3   0.24959 0.42924 0.08690
R source
pred <- factor(predict(ar1))

plot(ar1, uniform=TRUE, main="Árvore de regressão para volume")
text(ar1, use.n=TRUE, all=TRUE, cex=.8)
R source
plot(mo_5_40~sat_5_40, data=dc, col=as.integer(pred), pch=NA)
with(dc, text(y=mo_5_40, x=sat_5_40,
              labels=rownames(dc), col=as.integer(pred)))
R source
xyplot(vol~sat_5_40, groups=pred, data=dc)
R source
## Versões dos pacotes e data do documento.

R output
R version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=pt_BR.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=pt_BR.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] methods   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[7] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] rpart_4.1-10         multcomp_1.4-0       TH.data_1.0-6       
 [4] mvtnorm_1.0-2        doBy_4.5-13          survival_2.38-3     
 [7] reshape2_1.4.1       plyr_1.8.3           latticeExtra_0.6-26 
[10] lattice_0.20-31      RColorBrewer_1.1-2   knitrBootstrap_1.0.0
[13] rmarkdown_0.7        knitr_1.10.5        

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.11.6      magrittr_1.5     splines_3.2.1   
 [4] MASS_7.3-42      stringr_1.0.0    tools_3.2.1     
 [7] grid_3.2.1       htmltools_0.2.6  rgl_0.93.996    
[10] yaml_2.1.13      digest_0.6.8     Matrix_1.2-2    
[13] formatR_1.2      codetools_0.2-11 mime_0.3        
[16] evaluate_0.7     sandwich_2.3-3   stringi_0.5-5   
[19] markdown_0.7.7   zoo_1.7-12      
R source
R output
[1] "2015-07-28 19:41:29 BRT"