Ajuste de modelos lineares e mistos no ambiente R

09 e 10 de Outubro de 2014 - Piracicaba - SP
Prof. Dr. Walmes M. Zeviani
Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” - USP
Lab. de Estatística e Geoinformação - LEG
Pós Graduação em Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas Departamento de Estatística - UFPR

Análise de VCU de soja

## Definições da sessão.

## Lista de pacotes a serem usados na sessão.
pkg <- c("lattice", "latticeExtra", "doBy", "multcomp", "lme4", "plyr",
         "gridExtra", "aod", "wzRfun")
sapply(pkg, require, character.only=TRUE)
##      lattice latticeExtra         doBy     multcomp         lme4         plyr 
##         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE 
##    gridExtra          aod       wzRfun 
##         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE
## R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=pt_BR.UTF-8       
##  [4] LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8     LC_MONETARY=pt_BR.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=pt_BR.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                  LC_ADDRESS=C              
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid      methods   splines   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
## [9] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] wzRfun_0.2          aod_1.3             gridExtra_0.9.1     plyr_1.8.1         
##  [5] lme4_1.1-6          Rcpp_0.11.2         Matrix_1.1-4        multcomp_1.3-3     
##  [9] TH.data_1.0-3       mvtnorm_0.9-9997    doBy_4.5-10         MASS_7.3-34        
## [13] survival_2.37-7     latticeExtra_0.6-26 RColorBrewer_1.0-5  lattice_0.20-29    
## [17] knitr_1.6          
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] evaluate_0.5.5      formatR_0.10        minqa_1.2.3         nlme_3.1-117       
## [5] RcppEigen_0. sandwich_2.3-0      stringr_0.6.2       tools_3.1.1        
## [9] zoo_1.7-10
## Leitura dos dados.

da <- read.table("http://www.leg.ufpr.br/~walmes/data/grupoexperimentos.txt",
                 header=TRUE, sep="\t", na.string=".")
## 'data.frame':    300 obs. of  11 variables:
##  $ local: Factor w/ 4 levels "CPAO-DDOS","MARAC",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ gen  : Factor w/ 25 levels "BMX MAGNA RR",..: 15 15 15 16 16 16 25 25 25 9 ...
##  $ trat : int  1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ...
##  $ bl   : int  1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
##  $ df   : int  34 35 35 44 44 44 36 36 36 37 ...
##  $ dm   : int  101 98 99 102 104 105 97 98 99 98 ...
##  $ aca  : num  1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ ap   : int  91 98 96 105 95 91 81 87 84 75 ...
##  $ avag : int  13 16 15 15 12 13 14 16 14 14 ...
##  $ rend : num  2444 2737 2948 2398 2579 ...
##  $ p100 : num  11.2 11.3 11.2 10.2 11.2 ...
## Editar.

da <- transform(da,
                blin=interaction(bl, local, drop=TRUE))
## 'data.frame':    300 obs. of  12 variables:
##  $ local: Factor w/ 4 levels "CPAO-DDOS","MARAC",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ gen  : Factor w/ 25 levels "BMX MAGNA RR",..: 15 15 15 16 16 16 25 25 25 9 ...
##  $ trat : int  1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ...
##  $ bl   : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
##  $ df   : int  34 35 35 44 44 44 36 36 36 37 ...
##  $ dm   : int  101 98 99 102 104 105 97 98 99 98 ...
##  $ aca  : num  1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ ap   : int  91 98 96 105 95 91 81 87 84 75 ...
##  $ avag : int  13 16 15 15 12 13 14 16 14 14 ...
##  $ rend : num  2444 2737 2948 2398 2579 ...
##  $ p100 : num  11.2 11.3 11.2 10.2 11.2 ...
##  $ blin : Factor w/ 12 levels "1.CPAO-DDOS",..: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
## [1] 11
da <- subset(da, !is.na(rend), select=c("local","gen","blin","rend"))
## 'data.frame':    289 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ local: Factor w/ 4 levels "CPAO-DDOS","MARAC",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ gen  : Factor w/ 25 levels "BMX MAGNA RR",..: 15 15 15 16 16 25 25 25 9 9 ...
##  $ blin : Factor w/ 12 levels "1.CPAO-DDOS",..: 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 ...
##  $ rend : num  2444 2737 2948 2398 2579 ...
## Nos níveis dos fatores não pode ter nome com traço, dá problema na
## cld(). Trocar por espaço.
levels(da$gen) <- gsub("-", " ", levels(da$gen))
levels(da$local) <- gsub("-", " ", levels(da$local))

##  [1] "BMX MAGNA RR"    "BMX POTÊNCIA RR" "BR 01 25656"     "BR 02 04844"    
##  [5] "BR 02 22425"     "BR 02 68661"     "BR 02 72914"     "BR 02 78838"    
##  [9] "BRS 239"         "BRS 243 RR"      "BRS 246 RR"      "BRS 255 RR"     
## [13] "BRS 268"         "BRS 282"         "BRS 284"         "BRS 285"        
## [17] "BRS 291 RR"      "BRS 292 RR"      "BRS 294 RR"      "BRS Favorita RR"
## [21] "CD 202"          "Embrapa 48"      "M SOY 7908 RR"   "NK 7059 RR"     
## [25] "Vmax"
## [1] "CPAO DDOS" "MARAC"     "NAV"       "SIDROL"
## Layout.

x <- xtabs(~local+gen, data=da)
## dimnames(x) <- NULL
mosaicplot(x, off=10, las=4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

##                  local
## gen               CPAO DDOS MARAC NAV SIDROL
##   BMX MAGNA RR            3     3   3      3
##   BMX POTÊNCIA RR         3     3   3      3
##   BR 01 25656             3     3   3      3
##   BR 02 04844             3     2   3      3
##   BR 02 22425             3     3   3      3
##   BR 02 68661             3     3   3      3
##   BR 02 72914             2     3   3      3
##   BR 02 78838             3     3   3      3
##   BRS 239                 3     2   3      3
##   BRS 243 RR              3     3   3      3
##   BRS 246 RR              2     3   3      3
##   BRS 255 RR              3     3   3      3
##   BRS 268                 3     3   2      3
##   BRS 282                 3     3   3      3
##   BRS 284                 3     3   2      3
##   BRS 285                 2     3   3      3
##   BRS 291 RR              3     2   3      3
##   BRS 292 RR              3     3   3      3
##   BRS 294 RR              3     3   3      3
##   BRS Favorita RR         3     3   3      3
##   CD 202                  3     3   2      3
##   Embrapa 48              3     3   3      3
##   M SOY 7908 RR           2     3   3      3
##   NK 7059 RR              3     3   3      3
##   Vmax                    3     3   2      3
## Ver.

xyplot(rend~gen|local, data=da, as.table=TRUE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

## Ajuste do modelo que considera apenas o efeito de genótipo como
## fixo, os demais e interações são aleatórios.
## * fixo: gen;
## * aleatório: local, bl dentro de local e local interação com gen.

## da$y <- sqrt(da$rend)
## da$y <- log(da$rend)
da$y <- da$rend
m0 <- lmer(y~gen+(1|local)+(1|blin)+(1|local:gen),
           data=da, REML=FALSE)
## Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
## Formula: y ~ gen + (1 | local) + (1 | blin) + (1 | local:gen)
##    Data: da
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##     4442     4548    -2192     4384      260 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -2.6264 -0.5557 -0.0478  0.5610  2.7147 
## Random effects:
##  Groups    Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  local:gen (Intercept) 130327   361.0   
##  blin      (Intercept)   2330    48.3   
##  local     (Intercept) 155226   394.0   
##  Residual              136231   369.1   
## Number of obs: 289, groups: local:gen, 100; blin, 12; local, 4
## Fixed effects:
##                    Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept)          3647.9      288.0   12.67
## genBMX POTÊNCIA RR    188.9      296.4    0.64
## genBR 01 25656        -25.6      296.4   -0.09
## genBR 02 04844        300.9      298.6    1.01
## genBR 02 22425       -405.3      296.4   -1.37
## genBR 02 68661         69.3      296.4    0.23
## genBR 02 72914        182.9      298.6    0.61
## genBR 02 78838         25.4      296.4    0.09
## genBRS 239           -224.9      298.6   -0.75
## genBRS 243 RR        -278.7      296.4   -0.94
## genBRS 246 RR        -279.8      298.6   -0.94
## genBRS 255 RR        -117.8      296.4   -0.40
## genBRS 268           -334.5      298.6   -1.12
## genBRS 282           -567.9      296.4   -1.92
## genBRS 284           -124.1      298.6   -0.42
## genBRS 285           -231.2      298.6   -0.77
## genBRS 291 RR        -552.3      298.6   -1.85
## genBRS 292 RR        -382.4      296.4   -1.29
## genBRS 294 RR        -237.6      296.4   -0.80
## genBRS Favorita RR     20.8      296.4    0.07
## genCD 202            -619.8      298.6   -2.08
## genEmbrapa 48        -539.6      296.4   -1.82
## genM SOY 7908 RR     -125.8      298.6   -0.42
## genNK 7059 RR        -181.8      296.4   -0.61
## genVmax              -321.0      298.6   -1.07
## Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 25 > 20.
## Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
##   vcov(x)     if you need it
## Abandona a interação.
m1 <- update(m0, .~.-(1|local:gen), data=da)
anova(m0, m1)
## Data: da
## Models:
## m1: y ~ gen + (1 | local) + (1 | blin)
## m0: y ~ gen + (1 | local) + (1 | blin) + (1 | local:gen)
##    Df  AIC  BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)    
## m1 28 4498 4600  -2221     4442                            
## m0 29 4442 4549  -2192     4384  57.5      1    3.3e-14 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Existe interação local:gen.

## Predição dos efeitos aleatórios.
lapply(ranef(m0), c)
## $`local:gen`
## $`local:gen`$`(Intercept)`
##   [1]  -12.112 -312.990 -100.398 -313.796  216.049  103.478    7.843 -151.404  106.546
##  [10]  -56.593 -119.331 -224.648  104.150  466.176 -188.231 -246.795    7.630 -211.662
##  [19]  -61.261 -366.083  282.578  206.647 -256.914  326.162  326.883 -137.756 -352.995
##  [28]  204.368  604.739  621.789  247.846  742.952  318.692   35.043 -166.014  -99.038
##  [37] -267.696 -345.011 -250.213  -30.507 -313.334 -236.468  264.362   -9.198 -147.150
##  [46] -131.382 -400.463  307.601 -256.039 -325.879  165.536  483.546  353.434 -348.749
##  [55] -597.197 -104.512 -656.107 -141.670 -132.629  254.426  373.047  711.019   -1.065
##  [64] -503.473  -34.381  230.395  531.091  158.146   50.800  319.030 -769.016   43.068
##  [73] -427.198   81.722  321.334  -15.668  182.440 -457.404   57.806 -240.641 -246.811
##  [82]  -94.688  -25.618   -8.960  -31.818 -154.677 -218.675  241.926  287.510  253.119
##  [91]  329.734 -302.254 -210.846   19.659  194.203  617.820  150.748  376.511 -151.846
## [100] -322.338
## $blin
## $blin$`(Intercept)`
##  [1]   0.5278   9.5558 -18.4518  -3.2469  10.9290  -9.8587 -46.1611   6.6619  45.9459
## [10]   0.1164 -13.4596  17.4413
## $local
## $local$`(Intercept)`
## [1] -557.5 -145.0  429.5  273.0
## Teste para os termos de efeito fixo.

## Analysis of Variance Table
##     Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
## gen 24 4527371  188640    1.38
## Não tem p-valor! É de propósito. Douglas Bates não concorda que o
## procedimento adequado para ser avaliar a estatística F seja por meio
## de ajustes no número de graus de liberdade do denominador. Para mais
## detalhes leia:
## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-May/094765.html

## Alternativas (em order de recomendação):
## 1. Teste de razão de verossimilhanças entre modelos aninhados (um com
##    outro sem o termo fixo de interesse, usar REML=FALSE).
## 2. Teste de Wald (inferência aproximada, pacote aod).

V <- vcov(m0)
b <- fixef(m0)

## y ~ gen
Terms <- which(attr(m0@pp$X, "assign")==1)

## Chi-quadrado de Wald (baseado na aproximação quadrática da
## verossimilhança).
wt <- wald.test(Sigma=V, b=b, Terms=Terms)
## Wald test:
## ----------
## Chi-squared test:
## X2 = 33.2, df = 24, P(> X2) = 0.099
## Chi-quadrado da razão de verossimilhanças (não baseado em aproximação
## de função, melhor opção).
m1 <- update(m0, .~.-gen)
anova(m0, m1)
## Data: da
## Models:
## m1: y ~ (1 | local) + (1 | blin) + (1 | local:gen)
## m0: y ~ gen + (1 | local) + (1 | blin) + (1 | local:gen)
##    Df  AIC  BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
## m1  5 4423 4441  -2206     4413                        
## m0 29 4442 4549  -2192     4384  28.8     24       0.23
## Diagnóstico.

r <- residuals(m0, type="pearson")
f <- fitted(m0)
bec <- unlist(ranef(m0)[1])
beb <- unlist(ranef(m0)[2])
be <- unlist(ranef(m0)[3])

xyplot(r~f, type=c("p", "smooth"))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

xyplot(sqrt(abs(r))~f, type=c("p", "smooth"))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

## Médias ajustadas.

## Formula só da parte de efeito fixo.
f <- nobars(formula(m0))
X <- LSmatrix(lm(f, da), effect=c("gen"))
rownames(X) <- levels(da$gen)

## Estimativas das médias.
summary(glht(m0, linfct=X), test=adjusted(type="none"))
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: lmer(formula = y ~ gen + (1 | local) + (1 | blin) + (1 | local:gen), 
##     data = da, REML = FALSE)
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                      Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## BMX MAGNA RR == 0        3648        288    12.7   <2e-16 ***
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR == 0     3837        288    13.3   <2e-16 ***
## BR 01 25656 == 0         3622        288    12.6   <2e-16 ***
## BR 02 04844 == 0         3949        290    13.6   <2e-16 ***
## BR 02 22425 == 0         3243        288    11.3   <2e-16 ***
## BR 02 68661 == 0         3717        288    12.9   <2e-16 ***
## BR 02 72914 == 0         3831        290    13.2   <2e-16 ***
## BR 02 78838 == 0         3673        288    12.8   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 239 == 0             3423        290    11.8   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 243 RR == 0          3369        288    11.7   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 246 RR == 0          3368        290    11.6   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 255 RR == 0          3530        288    12.3   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 268 == 0             3313        290    11.4   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 282 == 0             3080        288    10.7   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 284 == 0             3524        290    12.1   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 285 == 0             3417        290    11.8   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 291 RR == 0          3096        290    10.7   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 292 RR == 0          3266        288    11.3   <2e-16 ***
## BRS 294 RR == 0          3410        288    11.8   <2e-16 ***
## BRS Favorita RR == 0     3669        288    12.7   <2e-16 ***
## CD 202 == 0              3028        290    10.4   <2e-16 ***
## Embrapa 48 == 0          3108        288    10.8   <2e-16 ***
## M SOY 7908 RR == 0       3522        290    12.1   <2e-16 ***
## NK 7059 RR == 0          3466        288    12.0   <2e-16 ***
## Vmax == 0                3327        290    11.5   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Adjusted p values reported -- none method)
## Contraste.
Xc <- apc(X)
## [1] 300  25
g <- summary(glht(m0, linfct=Xc), test=adjusted(type="fdr")); g
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: lmer(formula = y ~ gen + (1 | local) + (1 | blin) + (1 | local:gen), 
##     data = da, REML = FALSE)
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                      Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## BMX MAGNA RR-BMX POTÊNCIA RR == 0     -188.90     296.43   -0.64     0.83
## BMX MAGNA RR-BR 01 25656 == 0           25.56     296.43    0.09     0.98
## BMX MAGNA RR-BR 02 04844 == 0         -300.87     298.63   -1.01     0.73
## BMX MAGNA RR-BR 02 22425 == 0          405.27     296.43    1.37     0.63
## BMX MAGNA RR-BR 02 68661 == 0          -69.29     296.43   -0.23     0.94
## BMX MAGNA RR-BR 02 72914 == 0         -182.88     298.63   -0.61     0.84
## BMX MAGNA RR-BR 02 78838 == 0          -25.39     296.43   -0.09     0.98
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 239 == 0              224.91     298.63    0.75     0.81
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 243 RR == 0           278.74     296.43    0.94     0.74
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 246 RR == 0           279.82     298.63    0.94     0.74
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 255 RR == 0           117.84     296.43    0.40     0.89
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 268 == 0              334.47     298.63    1.12     0.73
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 282 == 0              567.89     296.43    1.92     0.48
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 284 == 0              124.14     298.63    0.42     0.89
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 285 == 0              231.22     298.63    0.77     0.80
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 291 RR == 0           552.31     298.63    1.85     0.51
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 292 RR == 0           382.38     296.43    1.29     0.66
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS 294 RR == 0           237.63     296.43    0.80     0.79
## BMX MAGNA RR-BRS Favorita RR == 0      -20.83     296.43   -0.07     0.98
## BMX MAGNA RR-CD 202 == 0               619.81     298.63    2.08     0.48
## BMX MAGNA RR-Embrapa 48 == 0           539.55     296.43    1.82     0.52
## BMX MAGNA RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0        125.79     298.63    0.42     0.89
## BMX MAGNA RR-NK 7059 RR == 0           181.84     296.43    0.61     0.84
## BMX MAGNA RR-Vmax == 0                 321.02     298.63    1.07     0.73
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BR 01 25656 == 0       214.46     296.43    0.72     0.82
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BR 02 04844 == 0      -111.97     298.63   -0.37     0.89
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BR 02 22425 == 0       594.17     296.43    2.00     0.48
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BR 02 68661 == 0       119.61     296.43    0.40     0.89
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BR 02 72914 == 0         6.02     298.63    0.02     0.99
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BR 02 78838 == 0       163.51     296.43    0.55     0.86
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 239 == 0           413.81     298.63    1.39     0.63
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 243 RR == 0        467.63     296.43    1.58     0.62
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 246 RR == 0        468.71     298.63    1.57     0.62
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 255 RR == 0        306.73     296.43    1.03     0.73
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 268 == 0           523.37     298.63    1.75     0.54
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 282 == 0           756.78     296.43    2.55     0.39
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 284 == 0           313.04     298.63    1.05     0.73
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 285 == 0           420.12     298.63    1.41     0.63
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 291 RR == 0        741.21     298.63    2.48     0.39
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 292 RR == 0        571.27     296.43    1.93     0.48
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS 294 RR == 0        426.52     296.43    1.44     0.63
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-BRS Favorita RR == 0   168.07     296.43    0.57     0.86
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-CD 202 == 0            808.70     298.63    2.71     0.38
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-Embrapa 48 == 0        728.45     296.43    2.46     0.39
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0     314.69     298.63    1.05     0.73
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-NK 7059 RR == 0        370.74     296.43    1.25     0.69
## BMX POTÊNCIA RR-Vmax == 0              509.92     298.63    1.71     0.55
## BR 01 25656-BR 02 04844 == 0          -326.43     298.63   -1.09     0.73
## BR 01 25656-BR 02 22425 == 0           379.71     296.43    1.28     0.66
## BR 01 25656-BR 02 68661 == 0           -94.85     296.43   -0.32     0.89
## BR 01 25656-BR 02 72914 == 0          -208.44     298.63   -0.70     0.82
## BR 01 25656-BR 02 78838 == 0           -50.95     296.43   -0.17     0.94
## BR 01 25656-BRS 239 == 0               199.35     298.63    0.67     0.82
## BR 01 25656-BRS 243 RR == 0            253.17     296.43    0.85     0.76
## BR 01 25656-BRS 246 RR == 0            254.25     298.63    0.85     0.76
## BR 01 25656-BRS 255 RR == 0             92.27     296.43    0.31     0.90
## BR 01 25656-BRS 268 == 0               308.91     298.63    1.03     0.73
## BR 01 25656-BRS 282 == 0               542.32     296.43    1.83     0.52
## BR 01 25656-BRS 284 == 0                98.58     298.63    0.33     0.89
## BR 01 25656-BRS 285 == 0               205.66     298.63    0.69     0.82
## BR 01 25656-BRS 291 RR == 0            526.75     298.63    1.76     0.54
## BR 01 25656-BRS 292 RR == 0            356.81     296.43    1.20     0.71
## BR 01 25656-BRS 294 RR == 0            212.06     296.43    0.72     0.82
## BR 01 25656-BRS Favorita RR == 0       -46.39     296.43   -0.16     0.94
## BR 01 25656-CD 202 == 0                594.24     298.63    1.99     0.48
## BR 01 25656-Embrapa 48 == 0            513.99     296.43    1.73     0.54
## BR 01 25656-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         100.23     298.63    0.34     0.89
## BR 01 25656-NK 7059 RR == 0            156.28     296.43    0.53     0.86
## BR 01 25656-Vmax == 0                  295.46     298.63    0.99     0.73
## BR 02 04844-BR 02 22425 == 0           706.14     298.63    2.36     0.42
## BR 02 04844-BR 02 68661 == 0           231.58     298.63    0.78     0.80
## BR 02 04844-BR 02 72914 == 0           117.99     300.83    0.39     0.89
## BR 02 04844-BR 02 78838 == 0           275.49     298.63    0.92     0.75
## BR 02 04844-BRS 239 == 0               525.78     300.83    1.75     0.54
## BR 02 04844-BRS 243 RR == 0            579.61     298.63    1.94     0.48
## BR 02 04844-BRS 246 RR == 0            580.69     300.83    1.93     0.48
## BR 02 04844-BRS 255 RR == 0            418.71     298.63    1.40     0.63
## BR 02 04844-BRS 268 == 0               635.35     300.83    2.11     0.48
## BR 02 04844-BRS 282 == 0               868.76     298.63    2.91     0.37
## BR 02 04844-BRS 284 == 0               425.01     300.83    1.41     0.63
## BR 02 04844-BRS 285 == 0               532.09     300.83    1.77     0.54
## BR 02 04844-BRS 291 RR == 0            853.18     300.83    2.84     0.37
## BR 02 04844-BRS 292 RR == 0            683.25     298.63    2.29     0.44
## BR 02 04844-BRS 294 RR == 0            538.50     298.63    1.80     0.52
## BR 02 04844-BRS Favorita RR == 0       280.04     298.63    0.94     0.74
## BR 02 04844-CD 202 == 0                920.68     300.83    3.06     0.37
## BR 02 04844-Embrapa 48 == 0            840.43     298.63    2.81     0.37
## BR 02 04844-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         426.66     300.83    1.42     0.63
## BR 02 04844-NK 7059 RR == 0            482.71     298.63    1.62     0.60
## BR 02 04844-Vmax == 0                  621.89     300.83    2.07     0.48
## BR 02 22425-BR 02 68661 == 0          -474.56     296.43   -1.60     0.61
## BR 02 22425-BR 02 72914 == 0          -588.15     298.63   -1.97     0.48
## BR 02 22425-BR 02 78838 == 0          -430.66     296.43   -1.45     0.63
## BR 02 22425-BRS 239 == 0              -180.36     298.63   -0.60     0.84
## BR 02 22425-BRS 243 RR == 0           -126.54     296.43   -0.43     0.89
## BR 02 22425-BRS 246 RR == 0           -125.46     298.63   -0.42     0.89
## BR 02 22425-BRS 255 RR == 0           -287.44     296.43   -0.97     0.74
## BR 02 22425-BRS 268 == 0               -70.80     298.63   -0.24     0.94
## BR 02 22425-BRS 282 == 0               162.61     296.43    0.55     0.86
## BR 02 22425-BRS 284 == 0              -281.13     298.63   -0.94     0.74
## BR 02 22425-BRS 285 == 0              -174.05     298.63   -0.58     0.86
## BR 02 22425-BRS 291 RR == 0            147.04     298.63    0.49     0.86
## BR 02 22425-BRS 292 RR == 0            -22.90     296.43   -0.08     0.98
## BR 02 22425-BRS 294 RR == 0           -167.65     296.43   -0.57     0.86
## BR 02 22425-BRS Favorita RR == 0      -426.10     296.43   -1.44     0.63
## BR 02 22425-CD 202 == 0                214.53     298.63    0.72     0.82
## BR 02 22425-Embrapa 48 == 0            134.28     296.43    0.45     0.88
## BR 02 22425-M SOY 7908 RR == 0        -279.48     298.63   -0.94     0.74
## BR 02 22425-NK 7059 RR == 0           -223.44     296.43   -0.75     0.81
## BR 02 22425-Vmax == 0                  -84.25     298.63   -0.28     0.91
## BR 02 68661-BR 02 72914 == 0          -113.59     298.63   -0.38     0.89
## BR 02 68661-BR 02 78838 == 0            43.90     296.43    0.15     0.94
## BR 02 68661-BRS 239 == 0               294.20     298.63    0.99     0.73
## BR 02 68661-BRS 243 RR == 0            348.02     296.43    1.17     0.73
## BR 02 68661-BRS 246 RR == 0            349.10     298.63    1.17     0.73
## BR 02 68661-BRS 255 RR == 0            187.12     296.43    0.63     0.83
## BR 02 68661-BRS 268 == 0               403.76     298.63    1.35     0.63
## BR 02 68661-BRS 282 == 0               637.17     296.43    2.15     0.48
## BR 02 68661-BRS 284 == 0               193.43     298.63    0.65     0.83
## BR 02 68661-BRS 285 == 0               300.51     298.63    1.01     0.73
## BR 02 68661-BRS 291 RR == 0            621.60     298.63    2.08     0.48
## BR 02 68661-BRS 292 RR == 0            451.66     296.43    1.52     0.63
## BR 02 68661-BRS 294 RR == 0            306.91     296.43    1.04     0.73
## BR 02 68661-BRS Favorita RR == 0        48.46     296.43    0.16     0.94
## BR 02 68661-CD 202 == 0                689.09     298.63    2.31     0.44
## BR 02 68661-Embrapa 48 == 0            608.84     296.43    2.05     0.48
## BR 02 68661-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         195.08     298.63    0.65     0.83
## BR 02 68661-NK 7059 RR == 0            251.13     296.43    0.85     0.76
## BR 02 68661-Vmax == 0                  390.31     298.63    1.31     0.66
## BR 02 72914-BR 02 78838 == 0           157.49     298.63    0.53     0.86
## BR 02 72914-BRS 239 == 0               407.79     300.83    1.36     0.63
## BR 02 72914-BRS 243 RR == 0            461.61     298.63    1.55     0.63
## BR 02 72914-BRS 246 RR == 0            462.69     300.83    1.54     0.63
## BR 02 72914-BRS 255 RR == 0            300.71     298.63    1.01     0.73
## BR 02 72914-BRS 268 == 0               517.35     300.83    1.72     0.55
## BR 02 72914-BRS 282 == 0               750.76     298.63    2.51     0.39
## BR 02 72914-BRS 284 == 0               307.02     300.83    1.02     0.73
## BR 02 72914-BRS 285 == 0               414.10     300.83    1.38     0.63
## BR 02 72914-BRS 291 RR == 0            735.19     300.83    2.44     0.39
## BR 02 72914-BRS 292 RR == 0            565.25     298.63    1.89     0.48
## BR 02 72914-BRS 294 RR == 0            420.50     298.63    1.41     0.63
## BR 02 72914-BRS Favorita RR == 0       162.05     298.63    0.54     0.86
## BR 02 72914-CD 202 == 0                802.68     300.83    2.67     0.38
## BR 02 72914-Embrapa 48 == 0            722.43     298.63    2.42     0.39
## BR 02 72914-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         308.67     300.76    1.03     0.73
## BR 02 72914-NK 7059 RR == 0            364.71     298.63    1.22     0.71
## BR 02 72914-Vmax == 0                  503.90     300.83    1.68     0.56
## BR 02 78838-BRS 239 == 0               250.29     298.63    0.84     0.76
## BR 02 78838-BRS 243 RR == 0            304.12     296.43    1.03     0.73
## BR 02 78838-BRS 246 RR == 0            305.20     298.63    1.02     0.73
## BR 02 78838-BRS 255 RR == 0            143.22     296.43    0.48     0.86
## BR 02 78838-BRS 268 == 0               359.86     298.63    1.21     0.71
## BR 02 78838-BRS 282 == 0               593.27     296.43    2.00     0.48
## BR 02 78838-BRS 284 == 0               149.53     298.63    0.50     0.86
## BR 02 78838-BRS 285 == 0               256.61     298.63    0.86     0.76
## BR 02 78838-BRS 291 RR == 0            577.70     298.63    1.93     0.48
## BR 02 78838-BRS 292 RR == 0            407.76     296.43    1.38     0.63
## BR 02 78838-BRS 294 RR == 0            263.01     296.43    0.89     0.76
## BR 02 78838-BRS Favorita RR == 0         4.56     296.43    0.02     0.99
## BR 02 78838-CD 202 == 0                645.19     298.63    2.16     0.48
## BR 02 78838-Embrapa 48 == 0            564.94     296.43    1.91     0.48
## BR 02 78838-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         151.18     298.63    0.51     0.86
## BR 02 78838-NK 7059 RR == 0            207.22     296.43    0.70     0.82
## BR 02 78838-Vmax == 0                  346.41     298.63    1.16     0.73
## BRS 239-BRS 243 RR == 0                 53.83     298.63    0.18     0.94
## BRS 239-BRS 246 RR == 0                 54.91     300.83    0.18     0.94
## BRS 239-BRS 255 RR == 0               -107.07     298.63   -0.36     0.89
## BRS 239-BRS 268 == 0                   109.57     300.83    0.36     0.89
## BRS 239-BRS 282 == 0                   342.98     298.63    1.15     0.73
## BRS 239-BRS 284 == 0                  -100.77     300.83   -0.33     0.89
## BRS 239-BRS 285 == 0                     6.31     300.83    0.02     0.99
## BRS 239-BRS 291 RR == 0                327.40     300.83    1.09     0.73
## BRS 239-BRS 292 RR == 0                157.47     298.63    0.53     0.86
## BRS 239-BRS 294 RR == 0                 12.72     298.63    0.04     0.99
## BRS 239-BRS Favorita RR == 0          -245.74     298.63   -0.82     0.77
## BRS 239-CD 202 == 0                    394.90     300.83    1.31     0.66
## BRS 239-Embrapa 48 == 0                314.65     298.63    1.05     0.73
## BRS 239-M SOY 7908 RR == 0             -99.12     300.83   -0.33     0.89
## BRS 239-NK 7059 RR == 0                -43.07     298.63   -0.14     0.94
## BRS 239-Vmax == 0                       96.11     300.83    0.32     0.89
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 246 RR == 0               1.08     298.63    0.00     1.00
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 255 RR == 0            -160.90     296.43   -0.54     0.86
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 268 == 0                 55.74     298.63    0.19     0.94
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 282 == 0                289.15     296.43    0.98     0.74
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 284 == 0               -154.59     298.63   -0.52     0.86
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 285 == 0                -47.51     298.63   -0.16     0.94
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 291 RR == 0             273.57     298.63    0.92     0.75
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 292 RR == 0             103.64     296.43    0.35     0.89
## BRS 243 RR-BRS 294 RR == 0             -41.11     296.43   -0.14     0.94
## BRS 243 RR-BRS Favorita RR == 0       -299.57     296.43   -1.01     0.73
## BRS 243 RR-CD 202 == 0                 341.07     298.63    1.14     0.73
## BRS 243 RR-Embrapa 48 == 0             260.82     296.43    0.88     0.76
## BRS 243 RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         -152.94     298.63   -0.51     0.86
## BRS 243 RR-NK 7059 RR == 0             -96.90     296.43   -0.33     0.89
## BRS 243 RR-Vmax == 0                    42.29     298.63    0.14     0.94
## BRS 246 RR-BRS 255 RR == 0            -161.98     298.63   -0.54     0.86
## BRS 246 RR-BRS 268 == 0                 54.66     300.83    0.18     0.94
## BRS 246 RR-BRS 282 == 0                288.07     298.63    0.96     0.74
## BRS 246 RR-BRS 284 == 0               -155.67     300.83   -0.52     0.86
## BRS 246 RR-BRS 285 == 0                -48.59     300.76   -0.16     0.94
## BRS 246 RR-BRS 291 RR == 0             272.50     300.83    0.91     0.76
## BRS 246 RR-BRS 292 RR == 0             102.56     298.63    0.34     0.89
## BRS 246 RR-BRS 294 RR == 0             -42.19     298.63   -0.14     0.94
## BRS 246 RR-BRS Favorita RR == 0       -300.65     298.63   -1.01     0.73
## BRS 246 RR-CD 202 == 0                 339.99     300.83    1.13     0.73
## BRS 246 RR-Embrapa 48 == 0             259.74     298.63    0.87     0.76
## BRS 246 RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         -154.02     300.83   -0.51     0.86
## BRS 246 RR-NK 7059 RR == 0             -97.98     298.63   -0.33     0.89
## BRS 246 RR-Vmax == 0                    41.21     300.83    0.14     0.94
## BRS 255 RR-BRS 268 == 0                216.64     298.63    0.73     0.82
## BRS 255 RR-BRS 282 == 0                450.05     296.43    1.52     0.63
## BRS 255 RR-BRS 284 == 0                  6.31     298.63    0.02     0.99
## BRS 255 RR-BRS 285 == 0                113.39     298.63    0.38     0.89
## BRS 255 RR-BRS 291 RR == 0             434.48     298.63    1.45     0.63
## BRS 255 RR-BRS 292 RR == 0             264.54     296.43    0.89     0.76
## BRS 255 RR-BRS 294 RR == 0             119.79     296.43    0.40     0.89
## BRS 255 RR-BRS Favorita RR == 0       -138.66     296.43   -0.47     0.87
## BRS 255 RR-CD 202 == 0                 501.97     298.63    1.68     0.56
## BRS 255 RR-Embrapa 48 == 0             421.72     296.43    1.42     0.63
## BRS 255 RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0            7.96     298.63    0.03     0.99
## BRS 255 RR-NK 7059 RR == 0              64.00     296.43    0.22     0.94
## BRS 255 RR-Vmax == 0                   203.19     298.63    0.68     0.82
## BRS 268-BRS 282 == 0                   233.41     298.63    0.78     0.80
## BRS 268-BRS 284 == 0                  -210.33     300.83   -0.70     0.82
## BRS 268-BRS 285 == 0                  -103.25     300.83   -0.34     0.89
## BRS 268-BRS 291 RR == 0                217.84     300.83    0.72     0.82
## BRS 268-BRS 292 RR == 0                 47.90     298.63    0.16     0.94
## BRS 268-BRS 294 RR == 0                -96.85     298.63   -0.32     0.89
## BRS 268-BRS Favorita RR == 0          -355.30     298.63   -1.19     0.72
## BRS 268-CD 202 == 0                    285.33     300.83    0.95     0.74
## BRS 268-Embrapa 48 == 0                205.08     298.63    0.69     0.82
## BRS 268-M SOY 7908 RR == 0            -208.68     300.83   -0.69     0.82
## BRS 268-NK 7059 RR == 0               -152.64     298.63   -0.51     0.86
## BRS 268-Vmax == 0                      -13.45     300.83   -0.04     0.99
## BRS 282-BRS 284 == 0                  -443.74     298.63   -1.49     0.63
## BRS 282-BRS 285 == 0                  -336.66     298.63   -1.13     0.73
## BRS 282-BRS 291 RR == 0                -15.58     298.63   -0.05     0.99
## BRS 282-BRS 292 RR == 0               -185.51     296.43   -0.63     0.83
## BRS 282-BRS 294 RR == 0               -330.26     296.43   -1.11     0.73
## BRS 282-BRS Favorita RR == 0          -588.72     296.43   -1.99     0.48
## BRS 282-CD 202 == 0                     51.92     298.63    0.17     0.94
## BRS 282-Embrapa 48 == 0                -28.33     296.43   -0.10     0.98
## BRS 282-M SOY 7908 RR == 0            -442.09     298.63   -1.48     0.63
## BRS 282-NK 7059 RR == 0               -386.05     296.43   -1.30     0.66
## BRS 282-Vmax == 0                     -246.86     298.63   -0.83     0.77
## BRS 284-BRS 285 == 0                   107.08     300.83    0.36     0.89
## BRS 284-BRS 291 RR == 0                428.17     300.83    1.42     0.63
## BRS 284-BRS 292 RR == 0                258.23     298.63    0.86     0.76
## BRS 284-BRS 294 RR == 0                113.48     298.63    0.38     0.89
## BRS 284-BRS Favorita RR == 0          -144.97     298.63   -0.49     0.86
## BRS 284-CD 202 == 0                    495.66     300.76    1.65     0.58
## BRS 284-Embrapa 48 == 0                415.41     298.63    1.39     0.63
## BRS 284-M SOY 7908 RR == 0               1.65     300.83    0.01     1.00
## BRS 284-NK 7059 RR == 0                 57.69     298.63    0.19     0.94
## BRS 284-Vmax == 0                      196.88     300.76    0.65     0.83
## BRS 285-BRS 291 RR == 0                321.09     300.83    1.07     0.73
## BRS 285-BRS 292 RR == 0                151.15     298.63    0.51     0.86
## BRS 285-BRS 294 RR == 0                  6.40     298.63    0.02     0.99
## BRS 285-BRS Favorita RR == 0          -252.05     298.63   -0.84     0.76
## BRS 285-CD 202 == 0                    388.58     300.83    1.29     0.66
## BRS 285-Embrapa 48 == 0                308.33     298.63    1.03     0.73
## BRS 285-M SOY 7908 RR == 0            -105.43     300.83   -0.35     0.89
## BRS 285-NK 7059 RR == 0                -49.39     298.63   -0.17     0.94
## BRS 285-Vmax == 0                       89.80     300.83    0.30     0.90
## BRS 291 RR-BRS 292 RR == 0            -169.93     298.63   -0.57     0.86
## BRS 291 RR-BRS 294 RR == 0            -314.68     298.63   -1.05     0.73
## BRS 291 RR-BRS Favorita RR == 0       -573.14     298.63   -1.92     0.48
## BRS 291 RR-CD 202 == 0                  67.49     300.83    0.22     0.94
## BRS 291 RR-Embrapa 48 == 0             -12.76     298.63   -0.04     0.99
## BRS 291 RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         -426.52     300.83   -1.42     0.63
## BRS 291 RR-NK 7059 RR == 0            -370.47     298.63   -1.24     0.69
## BRS 291 RR-Vmax == 0                  -231.29     300.83   -0.77     0.80
## BRS 292 RR-BRS 294 RR == 0            -144.75     296.43   -0.49     0.86
## BRS 292 RR-BRS Favorita RR == 0       -403.21     296.43   -1.36     0.63
## BRS 292 RR-CD 202 == 0                 237.43     298.63    0.80     0.79
## BRS 292 RR-Embrapa 48 == 0             157.18     296.43    0.53     0.86
## BRS 292 RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         -256.58     298.63   -0.86     0.76
## BRS 292 RR-NK 7059 RR == 0            -200.54     296.43   -0.68     0.82
## BRS 292 RR-Vmax == 0                   -61.35     298.63   -0.21     0.94
## BRS 294 RR-BRS Favorita RR == 0       -258.46     296.43   -0.87     0.76
## BRS 294 RR-CD 202 == 0                 382.18     298.63    1.28     0.66
## BRS 294 RR-Embrapa 48 == 0             301.93     296.43    1.02     0.73
## BRS 294 RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         -111.83     298.63   -0.37     0.89
## BRS 294 RR-NK 7059 RR == 0             -55.79     296.43   -0.19     0.94
## BRS 294 RR-Vmax == 0                    83.40     298.63    0.28     0.91
## BRS Favorita RR-CD 202 == 0            640.64     298.63    2.15     0.48
## BRS Favorita RR-Embrapa 48 == 0        560.38     296.43    1.89     0.48
## BRS Favorita RR-M SOY 7908 RR == 0     146.62     298.63    0.49     0.86
## BRS Favorita RR-NK 7059 RR == 0        202.67     296.43    0.68     0.82
## BRS Favorita RR-Vmax == 0              341.85     298.63    1.14     0.73
## CD 202-Embrapa 48 == 0                 -80.25     298.63   -0.27     0.92
## CD 202-M SOY 7908 RR == 0             -494.01     300.83   -1.64     0.58
## CD 202-NK 7059 RR == 0                -437.97     298.63   -1.47     0.63
## CD 202-Vmax == 0                      -298.78     300.76   -0.99     0.73
## Embrapa 48-M SOY 7908 RR == 0         -413.76     298.63   -1.39     0.63
## Embrapa 48-NK 7059 RR == 0            -357.72     296.43   -1.21     0.71
## Embrapa 48-Vmax == 0                  -218.53     298.63   -0.73     0.82
## M SOY 7908 RR-NK 7059 RR == 0           56.05     298.63    0.19     0.94
## M SOY 7908 RR-Vmax == 0                195.23     300.83    0.65     0.83
## NK 7059 RR-Vmax == 0                   139.19     298.63    0.47     0.87
## (Adjusted p values reported -- fdr method)
## Estimativas das médias com comparações.
## grid <- apmc(X=X, model=m0, focus="gen", test="bonferroni")
grid <- apmc(X=X, model=m0, focus="gen", test="fdr")
##                gen estimate  lwr  upr cld
## 1     BMX MAGNA RR     3648 3083 4212   a
## 2  BMX POTÊNCIA RR     3837 3272 4401   a
## 3      BR 01 25656     3622 3058 4187   a
## 4      BR 02 04844     3949 3380 4518   a
## 5      BR 02 22425     3243 2678 3807   a
## 6      BR 02 68661     3717 3153 4282   a
## 7      BR 02 72914     3831 3262 4400   a
## 8      BR 02 78838     3673 3109 4238   a
## 9          BRS 239     3423 2854 3992   a
## 10      BRS 243 RR     3369 2805 3934   a
## 11      BRS 246 RR     3368 2799 3937   a
## 12      BRS 255 RR     3530 2966 4095   a
## 13         BRS 268     3313 2745 3882   a
## 14         BRS 282     3080 2516 3644   a
## 15         BRS 284     3524 2955 4093   a
## 16         BRS 285     3417 2848 3986   a
## 17      BRS 291 RR     3096 2527 3664   a
## 18      BRS 292 RR     3266 2701 3830   a
## 19      BRS 294 RR     3410 2846 3975   a
## 20 BRS Favorita RR     3669 3104 4233   a
## 21          CD 202     3028 2459 3597   a
## 22      Embrapa 48     3108 2544 3673   a
## 23   M SOY 7908 RR     3522 2953 4091   a
## 24      NK 7059 RR     3466 2902 4031   a
## 25            Vmax     3327 2758 3896   a
## Gráfico.

segplot(reorder(gen, estimate)~lwr+upr, centers=estimate,
        ylab="Cultivar de soja", xlab="Produtividade",
        data=grid, draw=FALSE, cld=grid$cld,
        panel=function(x, y, z, centers, subscripts, cld, ...){
            panel.segplot(x, y, z, centers=centers,
                          subscripts=subscripts, ...)
            panel.text(x=centers[subscripts], y=as.numeric(z)[subscripts],
                       labels=cld[subscripts], pos=4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

## Para desdobrar a interação local:gen, tratar como efeito fixo.

## y ~ gen + (1 | local) + (1 | blin) + (1 | local:gen)
m0 <- lmer(y~local*gen+(1|blin),
           data=da, REML=FALSE)

## Fazer o desdobramento dentro do primeiro local. Os demais seguem a
## mesma regra.

X <- LSmatrix(lm(nobars(formula(m0)), data=da), effect=c("local","gen"))
## [1] 100 100
L <- by(X, attr(X, "grid")$local, as.matrix)
L <- lapply(L, "rownames<-", levels(da$gen))
## List of 4
##  $ CPAO DDOS: num [1:25, 1:100] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:25] "BMX MAGNA RR" "BMX POTÊNCIA RR" "BR 01 25656" "BR 02 04844" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:100] "(Intercept)" "localMARAC" "localNAV" "localSIDROL" ...
##  $ MARAC    : num [1:25, 1:100] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:25] "BMX MAGNA RR" "BMX POTÊNCIA RR" "BR 01 25656" "BR 02 04844" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:100] "(Intercept)" "localMARAC" "localNAV" "localSIDROL" ...
##  $ NAV      : num [1:25, 1:100] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:25] "BMX MAGNA RR" "BMX POTÊNCIA RR" "BR 01 25656" "BR 02 04844" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:100] "(Intercept)" "localMARAC" "localNAV" "localSIDROL" ...
##  $ SIDROL   : num [1:25, 1:100] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:25] "BMX MAGNA RR" "BMX POTÊNCIA RR" "BR 01 25656" "BR 02 04844" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:100] "(Intercept)" "localMARAC" "localNAV" "localSIDROL" ...
grid <- lapply(L, apmc, model=m0, focus="gen", test="fdr")
## List of 4
##  $ CPAO DDOS:'data.frame':   25 obs. of  5 variables:
##   ..$ gen     : Factor w/ 25 levels "BMX MAGNA RR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ estimate: num [1:25] 3071 2854 2927 2965 2974 ...
##   ..$ lwr     : num [1:25] 2731 2514 2586 2625 2633 ...
##   ..$ upr     : num [1:25] 3412 3195 3267 3306 3314 ...
##   ..$ cld     : chr [1:25] "ab" "ab" "ab" "ab" ...
##  $ MARAC    :'data.frame':   25 obs. of  5 variables:
##   ..$ gen     : Factor w/ 25 levels "BMX MAGNA RR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ estimate: num [1:25] 3316 3215 3752 4725 3935 ...
##   ..$ lwr     : num [1:25] 2976 2875 3412 4309 3595 ...
##   ..$ upr     : num [1:25] 3657 3556 4093 5142 4276 ...
##   ..$ cld     : chr [1:25] "cef" "efgi" "cdh" "a" ...
##  $ NAV      :'data.frame':   25 obs. of  5 variables:
##   ..$ gen     : Factor w/ 25 levels "BMX MAGNA RR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ estimate: num [1:25] 4303 4920 4531 3910 2869 ...
##   ..$ lwr     : num [1:25] 3962 4580 4190 3570 2529 ...
##   ..$ upr     : num [1:25] 4643 5261 4871 4251 3209 ...
##   ..$ cld     : chr [1:25] "cd" "a" "ac" "bdf" ...
##  $ SIDROL   :'data.frame':   25 obs. of  5 variables:
##   ..$ gen     : Factor w/ 25 levels "BMX MAGNA RR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ estimate: num [1:25] 3901 4357 3280 4301 3193 ...
##   ..$ lwr     : num [1:25] 3561 4017 2939 3961 2852 ...
##   ..$ upr     : num [1:25] 4242 4698 3620 4642 3533 ...
##   ..$ cld     : chr [1:25] "dfg" "f" "ac" "bf" ...
grid <- ldply(grid); names(grid)[1] <- "local"
grid <- equallevels(grid, da)
## 'data.frame':    100 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ local   : Factor w/ 4 levels "CPAO DDOS","MARAC",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ gen     : Factor w/ 25 levels "BMX MAGNA RR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ estimate: num  3071 2854 2927 2965 2974 ...
##  $ lwr     : num  2731 2514 2586 2625 2633 ...
##  $ upr     : num  3412 3195 3267 3306 3314 ...
##  $ cld     : chr  "ab" "ab" "ab" "ab" ...
## Gráfico.

segplot(gen~lwr+upr|local, centers=estimate,
        ylab="Genivar de arroz", xlab="Produtividade",
        data=grid, draw=FALSE, strip=FALSE, strip.left=TRUE,
            y=list(relation="free", rot=0)),

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

## Truque para ordenar gen dentro dos locais no gráfico.

## Função que remove o texto antes do ponto separador.
yscale.components.dropend <- function(...){
  ans <- yscale.components.default(...)
  lab <- ans$left$labels$labels
  ans$left$labels$labels <- gsub("^.*\\.", "", lab)

## Número de gen em cada local.
ngen <- apply(xtabs(~local+gen, da), 1, function(i) sum(i>0))
##        25        25        25        25
grid$locgen <- with(grid, interaction(local, gen))

## Ordem original dos níveis do fator locgen.
on <- levels(grid$locgen)
neworder <- with(grid, order(local, estimate))

orderin <- by(grid, INDICE=grid$local,

## Uma cópia do fator com ondem diferente dos níveis.
grid$locgen2 <- factor(grid$locgen, levels=unlist(orderin))

segplot(locgen2~lwr+upr|local, centers=estimate,
        ylab="Cultivar de soja", xlab="Produtividade",
        data=grid, draw=FALSE,
        scales=list(y=list(relation="free", rot=0, tck=0.5, cex=0.7)),
        layout=c(2,NA), as.table=TRUE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5