Reproducible Data Analysis of Scientific Cooperations

Definições da Sessão

# Carregando pacotes e funções necessárias.

# devtools::install_github("walmes/wzRfun")
# devtools::load_all("~/repos/wzRfun")

Análise Exploratória

Estes dados são resultados de um experimento fatorial triplo, conduzido em laboratório, que estudou o efeito de 7 inseticidas no processo de pré parasitismo de duas espécies de Trichogramma em duas espécies de lagastas da soja (hospedeiros). Várias variáveis resposta foram registradas com a finalidade de descrever o efeito dos inseticidas para as espécies de parasitóide e hospedeiro, considerando por exemplo, o tempo de vida da fêmea ovopositora, o tempo para eclosão dos ovos, a razão sexual observada e a taxa de emergência dos ovos parasitados.

# Estrutura dos dados.

## 'data.frame':    560 obs. of  12 variables:
##  $ inset: Factor w/ 7 levels "Clorpirifós",..: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
##  $ paras: Factor w/ 2 levels "Trichogramma atopovirilia",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ hosp : Factor w/ 2 levels "Anticarsia gemmatalis",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ rept : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ otot : int  10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ...
##  $ mort : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ incub: int  8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ...
##  $ opar : int  9 9 7 7 10 10 10 7 10 9 ...
##  $ oeme : int  9 9 7 7 10 10 10 7 10 9 ...
##  $ pne  : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ macho: int  6 13 4 9 6 6 24 4 6 11 ...
##  $ femea: int  15 4 8 5 15 25 0 15 18 9 ...
# levels(egg_parasitoid$inset)
# Português       Inglês
# Clorpirifós     Chlorpyrifos
# Deltametrina    Deltamethrin
# Espinetoram     Spinetoram
# Flubendiamida   Flubendiamide
# Indoxacarbe     Indoxacarb
# Novalurom       Novaluron
# Testemunha      Control

l <- c("Chlorpyrifos",

# Níveis dos fatores experimentais.
summary(egg_parasitoid[, 1:3])
##             inset                          paras    
##  Clorpirifós   :80   Trichogramma atopovirilia:280  
##  Deltametrina  :80   Trichogramma pretiosum   :280  
##  Espinetoram   :80                                  
##  Flubendiamida :80                                  
##  Indoxacarbe   :80                                  
##  Novalurom     :80                                  
##  Testemunha    :80                                  
##                      hosp    
##  Anticarsia gemmatalis :280  
##  Chrysodeixis includens:280  
# Usando nomes curtos para os níveis.
egg <- egg_parasitoid
levels(egg$inset) <- substr(l, 0, 5)
levels(egg$paras) <- c("Atopo", "Preti")
levels(egg$hosp) <- c("Anti", "Chry")

# Letra maiúscula para representar os fatores estudados.
names(egg)[1:3] <- c("I", "P", "H")

# Tabela de frequencia planejada do experimento (7 x 2 x 2 com 20 rep.).
ftable(xtabs(~I + P + H, data = egg))
##             H Anti Chry
## I     P                
## Chlor Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
## Delta Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
## Spine Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
## Flube Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
## Indox Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
## Noval Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
## Contr Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
# Tabela de frequência só para casos completos.
ftable(xtabs(~I + P + H, data = na.omit(egg)))
##             H Anti Chry
## I     P                
## Chlor Atopo      0    0
##       Preti     19    6
## Delta Atopo     18    3
##       Preti     19   14
## Spine Atopo      9    5
##       Preti     16    4
## Flube Atopo     20   19
##       Preti     19   19
## Indox Atopo     20   18
##       Preti     19   20
## Noval Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
## Contr Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20

Sobreviência da Fêmea

A sobreviência da fêmea, 24 horas após a liberação no tubo de ensaio para parasitar os ovos, é representada por uma variável (mort) dicotômica onde 1 indica que a fêmea sobreviveu e 0 que não não sobreviveu. A variável vivo é o oposto da variável mort.

# Desfechos de vivo: 1 = sobreviveu, 0 = não sobreviveu.
egg$vivo <- 1 - egg$mort
ftable(xtabs(vivo ~ I + P + H, data = egg))
##             H Anti Chry
## I     P                
## Chlor Atopo      0    0
##       Preti     10    7
## Delta Atopo     17   17
##       Preti     20   18
## Spine Atopo      0    0
##       Preti      3    2
## Flube Atopo     19   19
##       Preti     19   19
## Indox Atopo     17   16
##       Preti     19   20
## Noval Atopo     20   15
##       Preti     20   20
## Contr Atopo     19   20
##       Preti     20   20
# Modelo saturado.
m0 <- glm(vivo ~ (I + P + H)^3,
          data = subset(egg),
          family = quasibinomial)
anova(m0, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasibinomial, link: logit
## Response: vivo
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##       Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev        F    Pr(>F)    
## NULL                    559     677.25                       
## I      6   373.14       553     304.11 103.3906 < 2.2e-16 ***
## P      1    38.94       552     265.17  64.7455 5.587e-15 ***
## H      1     2.63       551     262.54   4.3720  0.037008 *  
## I:P    6    13.16       545     249.38   3.6472  0.001476 ** 
## I:H    6     8.07       539     241.30   2.2369  0.038446 *  
## P:H    1     0.07       538     241.23   0.1149  0.734816    
## I:P:H  6     3.82       532     237.42   1.0578  0.386964    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Modelo reduzido.
m1 <- update(m0, . ~ I * (P + H))
anova(m1, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasibinomial, link: logit
## Response: vivo
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##      Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev       F    Pr(>F)    
## NULL                   559     677.25                      
## I     6   373.14       553     304.11 94.6738 < 2.2e-16 ***
## P     1    38.94       552     265.17 59.2868 6.561e-14 ***
## H     1     2.63       551     262.54  4.0034  0.045910 *  
## I:P   6    13.16       545     249.38  3.3397  0.003071 ** 
## I:H   6     8.07       539     241.30  2.0483  0.057719 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
anova(m1, m0, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: vivo ~ I + P + H + I:P + I:H
## Model 2: vivo ~ (I + P + H)^3
##   Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance      F Pr(>F)
## 1       539     241.30                          
## 2       532     237.42  7   3.8866 0.9231  0.488
# Comparações múltiplas.

lsm <- LSmatrix(m1, effect = c("I", "P", "H"))
grid <- equallevels(attr(lsm, "grid"), egg)
comp <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)

# Hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(I, P)), FUN = as.matrix)
L <- lapply(L, "rownames<-", levels(egg$H))
cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m1, focus = "H", cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1:2] <- names(grid)[1:2]
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldH"

comp[[1]] <- pred

# Inseticidas dentro de parasitóide e hospedeiro.
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(H, P)), FUN = as.matrix)
L <- lapply(L, "rownames<-", levels(egg$I))
cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m1, focus = "I", test = "fdr",
              cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
# names(pred)[1:2] <- names(grid)[1:2]
names(pred)[1:2] <- c("H", "P")
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldI"
pred[, ncol(pred)] <- toupper(pred[, ncol(pred)])

comp[[2]] <- pred
## List of 2
##  $ :'data.frame':    28 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ I   : chr [1:28] "Chlor" "Chlor" "Delta" "Delta" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:28] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ H   : Factor w/ 2 levels "Anti","Chry": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:28] -20.29 -20.91 2.06 1.47 -20.35 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:28] -4438.185 -4438.804 1.03 0.611 -4457.432 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:28] 4397.61 4396.99 3.08 2.33 4416.72 ...
##   ..$ cldH: chr [1:28] "a" "a" "a" "a" ...
##  $ :'data.frame':    28 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ H   : chr [1:28] "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:28] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ I   : Factor w/ 7 levels "Chlor","Contr",..: 1 3 7 4 5 6 2 1 3 7 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:28] -20.29 2.06 -20.35 2.94 1.55 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:28] -4438.18 1.03 -4457.43 1.53 0.65 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:28] 4397.61 3.08 4416.72 4.36 2.45 ...
##   ..$ cldI: chr [1:28] "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
pred <- merge(comp[[1]],
              by = intersect(names(comp[[1]]), names(comp[[2]])))

# Passa para a escala de probabilidade.

i <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
pred[, i] <- sapply(pred[, i], m1$family$linkinv)

# Ordena da tabela.
pred <- pred[with(pred, order(P, I, H)), ]

# Intervalos de confiança do tamanho do suporte terão apenas o ponto
# representado.
i <- pred$upr - pred$lwr > 0.99
if (any(i)) {
    pred[i, ]$lwr <- pred[i, ]$lwr <- NA

# Reordena os níveis pela probalidade de sobreviência.
pred$I <- reorder(pred$I, pred$fit)

# Legenda.
key <- list(points = list(pch = c(1, 19)),
            text = list(levels(egg_parasitoid$hosp), font = 3),
            title = "Hosts", cex.title = 1.1)

pred$cld <- with(pred, paste(cldI, cldH, sep = ""))
cap <-
"Estimated probability of surviving at 24h for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%."
cap <- fgn_("surv", cap)

pred$vjust <- -0.5
pred$vjust[pred$cld == "ABa"] <- 1.5

# Gráfico de segmentos.
segplot(I ~ lwr + upr | P,
        centers = fit,
        data = pred,
        xlab = "Insecticides",
        ylab = "Probability of surviving a 24h period",
        draw = FALSE,
        horizontal = FALSE,
        groups = H,
        key = key,
        strip = strip.custom(
            factor.levels = levels(egg_parasitoid$paras),
            par.strip.text = list(font = 3)),
        gap = 0.15,
        cld = pred$cld,
        panel = panel.groups.segplot,
        pch = key$points$pch[as.integer(pred$H)]) +
        a <- cld[which.max(nchar(cld))]
        l <- cld[subscripts]
        v <- pred$vjust[subscripts]
        x <- as.integer(z)[subscripts] + centfac(groups[subscripts], gap)
        y <- centers[subscripts]
        # Usa símbolo unicode:
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = v,
                  gp = gpar(col = "white")
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = v,
                  gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 10))
Figura  1: Estimated probability of surviving at 24h for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Figura 1: Estimated probability of surviving at 24h for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Ovos Parasitados

# Análise exploratória.

useOuterStrips(xyplot(opar/otot ~ I | H + P,
                      data = egg,
                      jitter.x = TRUE,
                      type = c("p", "a")))

# Ajuste do modelo.

m0 <- glm(cbind(opar, otot - opar) ~ I * P * H,
          data = egg,
          family = quasibinomial)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


anova(m0, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasibinomial, link: logit
## Response: cbind(opar, otot - opar)
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##       Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev        F    Pr(>F)    
## NULL                    559     4142.3                       
## I      6  1768.10       553     2374.2 144.3558 < 2.2e-16 ***
## P      1    16.93       552     2357.3   8.2919 0.0041425 ** 
## H      1   736.09       551     1621.2 360.5869 < 2.2e-16 ***
## I:P    6   313.33       545     1307.9  25.5817 < 2.2e-16 ***
## I:H    6    87.99       539     1219.9   7.1843 2.202e-07 ***
## P:H    1    31.31       538     1188.6  15.3395 0.0001015 ***
## I:P:H  6    38.77       532     1149.8   3.1654 0.0046431 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# summary(m0)

# Comparações múltiplas.

lsm <- LSmatrix(m0, effect = c("I", "P", "H"))
grid <- equallevels(attr(lsm, "grid"), egg)
comp <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)

# Hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(I, P)), FUN = as.matrix)
L <- lapply(L, "rownames<-", levels(egg$H))
cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m0, focus = "H", cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1:2] <- names(grid)[1:2]
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldH"

comp[[1]] <- pred

# Inseticidas dentro de parasitóide e hospedeiro.
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(H, P)), FUN = as.matrix)
L <- lapply(L, "rownames<-", levels(egg$I))
cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m0, focus = "I", test = "fdr",
              cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
# names(pred)[1:2] <- names(grid)[1:2]
names(pred)[1:2] <- c("H", "P")
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldI"
pred[, ncol(pred)] <- toupper(pred[, ncol(pred)])

comp[[2]] <- pred
## List of 2
##  $ :'data.frame':    28 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ I   : chr [1:28] "Chlor" "Chlor" "Delta" "Delta" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:28] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ H   : Factor w/ 2 levels "Anti","Chry": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:28] -19.118 -19.421 -0.944 -4.525 0.18 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:28] -1721.472 -1693.258 -1.385 -6.151 -0.217 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:28] 1683.235 1654.416 -0.503 -2.9 0.578 ...
##   ..$ cldH: chr [1:28] "a" "a" "a" "b" ...
##  $ :'data.frame':    28 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ H   : chr [1:28] "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:28] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ I   : Factor w/ 7 levels "Chlor","Contr",..: 1 3 7 4 5 6 2 1 3 7 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:28] -19.118 -0.944 0.18 2.442 1.483 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:28] -1721.472 -1.385 -0.217 1.712 0.973 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:28] 1683.235 -0.503 0.578 3.172 1.993 ...
##   ..$ cldI: chr [1:28] "ABC" "C" "B" "A" ...
pred <- merge(comp[[1]],
              by = intersect(names(comp[[1]]), names(comp[[2]])))

# Passa para a escala de probabilidade.

i <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
pred[, i] <- sapply(pred[, i], m1$family$linkinv)

# Ordena da tabela.
pred <- pred[with(pred, order(P, I, H)), ]

# Intervalos de confiança do tamanho do suporte terão apenas o ponto
# representado.
i <- pred$upr - pred$lwr > 0.99
if (any(i)) {
    pred[i, ]$lwr <- pred[i, ]$lwr <- NA

# Reordena os níveis pela probalidade de sobreviência.
pred$I <- reorder(pred$I, pred$fit)

# Legenda.
key <- list(points = list(pch = c(1, 19)),
            text = list(levels(egg_parasitoid$hosp), font = 3),
            title = "Hosts", cex.title = 1.1)

pred$cld <- with(pred, paste(cldI, cldH, sep = ""))


ab <- aggregate(cbind(paras = opar/otot) ~ I + H + P,
                data = egg,
                FUN = mean)

kable(merge(pred, ab, by = intersect(names(pred), names(ab)))[, -c(5:9)])
I P H fit paras
Chlor Atopo Anti 0.0000000 0.0000000
Chlor Atopo Chry 0.0000000 0.0000000
Chlor Preti Anti 0.7400000 0.7400000
Chlor Preti Chry 0.0750000 0.0750000
Contr Atopo Anti 0.8750000 0.8750000
Contr Atopo Chry 0.7000000 0.7000000
Contr Preti Anti 0.8900000 0.8900000
Contr Preti Chry 0.7678571 0.7678571
Delta Atopo Anti 0.2800000 0.2800000
Delta Atopo Chry 0.0107143 0.0107143
Delta Preti Anti 0.3750000 0.3750000
Delta Preti Chry 0.0964286 0.0964286
Flube Atopo Anti 0.9200000 0.9200000
Flube Atopo Chry 0.5250000 0.5250000
Flube Preti Anti 0.6900000 0.6900000
Flube Preti Chry 0.5928571 0.5928571
Indox Atopo Anti 0.8150000 0.8150000
Indox Atopo Chry 0.5428571 0.5428571
Indox Preti Anti 0.8300000 0.8300000
Indox Preti Chry 0.4678571 0.4678571
Noval Atopo Anti 0.8500000 0.8500000
Noval Atopo Chry 0.4428571 0.4428571
Noval Preti Anti 0.8200000 0.8200000
Noval Preti Chry 0.4857143 0.4857143
Spine Atopo Anti 0.5450000 0.5450000
Spine Atopo Chry 0.0857143 0.0857143
Spine Preti Anti 0.2550000 0.2550000
Spine Preti Chry 0.1178571 0.1178571
cap <-
"Estimated proportion of of parasitated eggs for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%."
cap <- fgn_("opar", cap)

pred$vjust <- -0.5
pred$vjust[pred$cld == "ABCDa"] <- 1.5

# Gráfico de segmentos.
segplot(I ~ lwr + upr | P,
        centers = fit,
        data = pred,
        xlab = "Insecticides",
        ylab = "Proportion of parasited eggs",
        draw = FALSE,
        horizontal = FALSE,
        groups = H,
        key = key,
        strip = strip.custom(
            factor.levels = levels(egg_parasitoid$paras),
            par.strip.text = list(font = 3)),
        gap = 0.15,
        cld = pred$cld,
        panel = panel.groups.segplot,
        pch = key$points$pch[as.integer(pred$H)]) +
        a <- cld[which.max(nchar(cld))]
        l <- cld[subscripts]
        v <- pred$vjust[subscripts]
        x <- as.integer(z)[subscripts] + centfac(groups[subscripts], gap)
        y <- centers[subscripts]
        # Usa símbolo unicode:
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = v,
                  gp = gpar(col = "white")
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = v,
                  gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 10))
Figura  2: Estimated proportion of of parasitated eggs for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Figura 2: Estimated proportion of of parasitated eggs for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Ovos Emergidos

# Análise exploratória.

ftable(xtabs(! ~ I + P + H, data = egg))
##             H Anti Chry
## I     P                
## Chlor Atopo      0    0
##       Preti     19    6
## Delta Atopo     18    3
##       Preti     19   15
## Spine Atopo     19   11
##       Preti     17   17
## Flube Atopo     20   19
##       Preti     19   19
## Indox Atopo     20   18
##       Preti     19   20
## Noval Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
## Contr Atopo     20   20
##       Preti     20   20
# ATTENTION: Com os 7 inseticidas dá cela perdida.
useOuterStrips(xyplot(oeme/opar ~ I | H + P,
                      data = egg[!$oeme), ],
                      jitter.x = TRUE,
                      type = c("p", "a")))

# Ajuste do modelo.

m0 <- glm(cbind(oeme, opar - oeme) ~ I * P * H,
          data = egg,
          family = quasibinomial)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


anova(m0, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasibinomial, link: logit
## Response: cbind(oeme, opar - oeme)
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##       Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev       F    Pr(>F)    
## NULL                    457    1189.96                      
## I      6   574.96       451     615.01 72.8264 < 2.2e-16 ***
## P      1     0.01       450     615.00  0.0053 0.9421318    
## H      1    47.13       449     567.87 35.8188 4.553e-09 ***
## I:P    5    37.72       444     530.15  5.7334 3.891e-05 ***
## I:H    6    14.96       438     515.19  1.8947 0.0803009 .  
## P:H    1     7.86       437     507.33  5.9730 0.0149254 *  
## I:P:H  5    33.83       432     473.51  5.1415 0.0001358 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Modelo declarado com a matrix do modelo, apenas os efeitos estimáveis.
X <- model.matrix(formula(m0)[-2], data = egg)
b <- coef(m0)
X <- X[, !]
m0 <- update(m0, . ~ 0 + X)

# Comparações entre hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.

comp <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)

# Declarar um modelo não deficiente aqui apenas para pegar a matriz.
lsm <- LSmatrix(lm(mort ~ I * P * H, data = egg),
                effect = c("I", "P", "H"))
grid <- equallevels(attr(lsm, "grid"), egg)

# Celas que serão mantidas pois são estimaveis.
keep <- xtabs(! ~ interaction(I, P, H), data = egg) > 0
i <- with(grid, interaction(I, P, H) %in% names(keep[keep]))

grid <- grid[i, ]
lsm <- lsm[i, ]

# Deixa apenas as colunas de efeitos estimados.
lsm <- lsm[, !]

# Fazer as comparações apenas onde é possível.
# Hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.
rownames(lsm) <- grid$H
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(I, P)), FUN = as.matrix)
i <- sapply(L, is.null)
L <- L[!i]

cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m0, focus = "H", cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1:2] <- c("I", "P")
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldH"

comp[[1]] <- pred

# Fazer as comparações apenas onde é possível.
# Inseticidas dentro de parasitóide e hospedeiro.
rownames(lsm) <- grid$I
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(H, P)), FUN = as.matrix)

cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m0, focus = "I", test = "fdr",
              cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1:2] <- c("H", "P")
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldI"
pred[, ncol(pred)] <- toupper(pred[, ncol(pred)])

comp[[2]] <- pred
## List of 2
##  $ :'data.frame':    26 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ I   : chr [1:26] "Delta" "Delta" "Spine" "Spine" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:26] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ H   : Factor w/ 2 levels "Anti","Chry": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:26] 4.01 17.57 -1.76 -1.34 3.81 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:26] 1.74 -5117.68 -2.37 -2.47 2.67 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:26] 6.276 5152.81 -1.152 -0.205 4.943 ...
##   ..$ cldH: chr [1:26] "a" "a" "a" "a" ...
##  $ :'data.frame':    26 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ H   : chr [1:26] "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:26] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ I   : Factor w/ 7 levels "Contr","Delta",..: 2 6 3 4 5 1 2 6 3 4 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:26] 4.01 -1.76 3.81 2.63 3.01 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:26] 1.74 -2.37 2.67 1.92 2.19 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:26] 6.28 -1.15 4.94 3.33 3.82 ...
##   ..$ cldI: chr [1:26] "A" "B" "A" "A" ...
pred <- merge(comp[[1]],
              by = intersect(names(comp[[1]]), names(comp[[2]])))
pred$cld <- with(pred, paste(cldI, cldH, sep = ""))


# Passa para a escala de probabilidade.
i <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
pred[, i] <- sapply(pred[, i], m0$family$linkinv)

# Ordena da tabela.
pred <- pred[with(pred, order(P, I, H)), ]

# Intervalos de confiança do tamanho do suporte terão apenas o ponto
# representado.
i <- pred$upr - pred$lwr > 0.99
if (any(i)) {
    pred[i, ]$lwr <- pred[i, ]$lwr <- NA

# Reordena os níveis pela probalidade de sobreviência.
pred$I <- reorder(pred$I, pred$fit)

ftable(xtabs(~I + P + H, data = pred))
##             H Anti Chry
## I     P                
## Spine Atopo      1    1
##       Preti      1    1
## Indox Atopo      1    1
##       Preti      1    1
## Noval Atopo      1    1
##       Preti      1    1
## Contr Atopo      1    1
##       Preti      1    1
## Flube Atopo      1    1
##       Preti      1    1
## Delta Atopo      1    1
##       Preti      1    1
## Chlor Atopo      0    0
##       Preti      1    1
# Legenda.
key <- list(points = list(pch = c(1, 19)),
            text = list(levels(egg_parasitoid$hosp), font = 3),
            title = "Hosts", cex.title = 1.1)


ab <- aggregate(cbind(emerg = oeme/opar) ~ I + H + P,
                data = egg,
                FUN = mean)

kable(merge(pred, ab, by = intersect(names(pred), names(ab)))[, -c(5:9)])
I P H fit emerg
Chlor Preti Anti 0.9729730 0.9776316
Chlor Preti Chry 0.9523810 0.9814815
Contr Atopo Anti 1.0000000 1.0000000
Contr Atopo Chry 0.9081633 0.9148035
Contr Preti Anti 0.9831461 0.9838889
Contr Preti Chry 0.9023256 0.8984271
Delta Atopo Anti 0.9821429 0.9722222
Delta Atopo Chry 1.0000000 1.0000000
Delta Preti Anti 0.9733333 0.9868421
Delta Preti Chry 0.8888889 0.9000000
Flube Atopo Anti 0.9782609 0.9787500
Flube Atopo Chry 0.9455782 0.9427318
Flube Preti Anti 0.9782609 0.9795322
Flube Preti Chry 0.9397590 0.9268392
Indox Atopo Anti 0.9325153 0.9314286
Indox Atopo Chry 0.9671053 0.9652958
Indox Preti Anti 0.9819277 0.9809942
Indox Preti Chry 0.7709924 0.7531349
Noval Atopo Anti 0.9529412 0.9538889
Noval Atopo Chry 0.9032258 0.9168849
Noval Preti Anti 0.9207317 0.9084722
Noval Preti Chry 0.9264706 0.9284091
Spine Atopo Anti 0.1467890 0.1353383
Spine Atopo Chry 0.2083333 0.3030303
Spine Preti Anti 0.6470588 0.6754902
Spine Preti Chry 0.1212121 0.1764706
cap <-
"Estimated proportion of egg emergency for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%."
cap <- fgn_("oeme", cap)

# Gráfico de segmentos.
segplot(I ~ lwr + upr | P,
        centers = fit,
        data = pred,
        xlab = "Insecticides",
        ylab = "Probability of egg emergency",
        draw = FALSE,
        horizontal = FALSE,
        groups = H,
        key = key,
        strip = strip.custom(
            factor.levels = levels(egg_parasitoid$paras),
            par.strip.text = list(font = 3)),
        gap = 0.15,
        cld = pred$cld,
        panel = panel.groups.segplot,
        pch = key$points$pch[as.integer(pred$H)]) +
        a <- cld[which.max(nchar(cld))]
        l <- cld[subscripts]
        x <- as.integer(z)[subscripts] + centfac(groups[subscripts], gap)
        y <- centers[subscripts]
        # Usa símbolo unicode:
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = -0.5,
                  gp = gpar(col = "white")
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = -0.5,
                  gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 10))
Figura  3: Estimated proportion of egg emergency for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Figura 3: Estimated proportion of egg emergency for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Tempo de Incubação dos Parasitóides

Essa variável apresenta pouca variação para algumas celas, portanto não informação suficiente para ser analisada.

Razão Sexual

# Análise exploratória.

useOuterStrips(xyplot(femea + macho ~ I | H + P,
                      data = egg[!$macho + egg$femea), ],
                      jitter.x = TRUE,
                      auto.key = TRUE,
                      type = c("p", "a")))

# Ajuste do modelo.

m0 <- glm(cbind(femea, macho) ~ I * P * H,
          data = egg,
          family = quasibinomial)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


anova(m0, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasibinomial, link: logit
## Response: cbind(femea, macho)
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##       Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev       F    Pr(>F)    
## NULL                    426     979.85                      
## I      6   20.920       420     958.93  1.7374   0.11095    
## P      1   60.370       419     898.56 30.0824 7.345e-08 ***
## H      1    0.037       418     898.52  0.0184   0.89218    
## I:P    5    8.410       413     890.11  0.8382   0.52316    
## I:H    6   11.008       407     879.10  0.9142   0.48445    
## P:H    1    9.695       406     869.41  4.8309   0.02852 *  
## I:P:H  5   20.116       401     849.29  2.0048   0.07702 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# summary(m0)

m1 <- glm(cbind(femea, macho) ~ P * H,
          data = egg,
          family = quasibinomial)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


anova(m0, m1, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: cbind(femea, macho) ~ I * P * H
## Model 2: cbind(femea, macho) ~ P * H
##   Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Df Deviance      F Pr(>F)
## 1       401     849.29                           
## 2       423     903.33 -22  -54.033 1.2238 0.2227
anova(m1, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasibinomial, link: logit
## Response: cbind(femea, macho)
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##      Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev       F    Pr(>F)    
## NULL                   426     979.85                      
## P     1   65.575       425     914.27 31.9573 2.903e-08 ***
## H     1    0.154       424     914.12  0.0753    0.7839    
## P:H   1   10.795       423     903.33  5.2606    0.0223 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# summary(m1)

# Comparações entre hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.

lsm <- LSmatrix(m1, effect = c("P", "H"))
grid <- equallevels(attr(lsm, "grid"), egg)

L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, P), FUN = as.matrix)
L <- lapply(L, "rownames<-", levels(egg$H))

cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m1, focus = "H", cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
# cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
# pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1] <- names(grid)[1]
pred <- equallevels(pred, egg)

# Passa para a escala de probabilidade.
i <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
pred[, i] <- sapply(pred[, i], m0$family$linkinv)

# Ordena da tabela.
pred <- pred[with(pred, order(P, H)), ]

# Intervalos de confiança do tamanho do suporte terão apenas o ponto
# representado.
i <- pred$upr - pred$lwr > 0.99
if (any(i)) {
    pred[i, ]$lwr <- pred[i, ]$lwr <- NA

# Legenda.
key <- list(points = list(pch = c(1, 19)),
            text = list(levels(egg_parasitoid$hosp), font = 3),
            title = "Hosts", cex.title = 1.1)
cap <-
"Estimated proportion of female parasitoids for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%."
cap <- fgn_("sexratio", cap)

# Gráfico de segmentos.
segplot(P ~ lwr + upr,
        centers = fit,
        data = pred,
        xlab = "Parasitoids species",
        ylab = "Proportion of female parasitoids",
        draw = FALSE,
        horizontal = FALSE,
        groups = H,
        key = key,
        gap = 0.15,
        cld = pred$cld,
        panel = panel.groups.segplot,
        pch = key$points$pch[as.integer(pred$H)]) +
        a <- cld[which.max(nchar(cld))]
        l <- cld[subscripts]
        x <- as.integer(z)[subscripts] + centfac(groups[subscripts], gap)
        y <- centers[subscripts]
        # Usa símbolo unicode:
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = -0.5,
                  gp = gpar(col = "white")
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = -0.5,
                  gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 10))
Figura  4: Estimated proportion of female parasitoids for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Figura 4: Estimated proportion of female parasitoids for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Razão de Emergência dos Parasitóides

# Análise exploratória.

egg$pem <- with(egg, femea + macho)
useOuterStrips(xyplot(pem + pne ~ I | H + P,
                      data = egg[!$pem + egg$pne), ],
                      jitter.x = TRUE,
                      auto.key = TRUE,
                      type = c("p", "a")))

# Ajuste do modelo.

m0 <- glm(cbind(pem, pne) ~ I * P * H,
          data = egg,
          family = quasibinomial)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


anova(m0, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasibinomial, link: logit
## Response: cbind(pem, pne)
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##       Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev       F    Pr(>F)    
## NULL                    426    1483.03                      
## I      6   466.81       420    1016.21 34.7674 < 2.2e-16 ***
## P      1     0.30       419    1015.91  0.1346 0.7138594    
## H      1    83.60       418     932.31 37.3576 2.332e-09 ***
## I:P    5    18.31       413     914.00  1.6367 0.1491556    
## I:H    6    46.38       407     867.63  3.4540 0.0024423 ** 
## P:H    1    29.06       406     838.57 12.9838 0.0003537 ***
## I:P:H  5    67.49       401     771.08  6.0321 2.130e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# summary(m0)

# Modelo declarado com a matrix do modelo, apenas os efeitos estimáveis.
X <- model.matrix(formula(m0)[-2], data = egg)
b <- coef(m0)
X <- X[, !]
m0 <- update(m0, . ~ 0 + X)

# Comparações entre hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.

comp <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)

# Declarar um modelo não deficiente aqui apenas para pegar a matriz.
lsm <- LSmatrix(lm(mort ~ I * P * H, data = egg),
                effect = c("I", "P", "H"))
grid <- equallevels(attr(lsm, "grid"), egg)

# Celas que serão mantidas pois são estimaveis.
keep <- xtabs(! ~ interaction(I, P, H), data = egg) > 0
i <- with(grid, interaction(I, P, H) %in% names(keep[keep]))

grid <- grid[i, ]
lsm <- lsm[i, ]

# Deixa apenas as colunas de efeitos estimados.
lsm <- lsm[, !]

# Fazer as comparações apenas onde é possível.
# Hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.
rownames(lsm) <- grid$H
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(I, P)), FUN = as.matrix)
i <- sapply(L, is.null)
L <- L[!i]

cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m0, focus = "H", cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1:2] <- c("I", "P")
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldH"

comp[[1]] <- pred

# Fazer as comparações apenas onde é possível.
# Inseticidas dentro de parasitóide e hospedeiro.
rownames(lsm) <- grid$I
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(H, P)), FUN = as.matrix)

cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m0, focus = "I", test = "fdr",
              cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1:2] <- c("H", "P")
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldI"
pred[, ncol(pred)] <- toupper(pred[, ncol(pred)])

comp[[2]] <- pred
## List of 2
##  $ :'data.frame':    26 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ I   : chr [1:26] "Delta" "Delta" "Spine" "Spine" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:26] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ H   : Factor w/ 2 levels "Anti","Chry": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:26] 3.942 17.707 -1.086 0.182 2.836 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:26] 1.85 -6206.59 -1.74 -1.59 2.23 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:26] 6.035 6242.005 -0.434 1.958 3.439 ...
##   ..$ cldH: chr [1:26] "a" "a" "a" "a" ...
##  $ :'data.frame':    26 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ H   : chr [1:26] "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:26] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ I   : Factor w/ 7 levels "Contr","Delta",..: 2 6 3 4 5 1 2 6 3 4 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:26] 3.94 -1.09 2.84 2.09 2.59 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:26] 1.85 -1.74 2.23 1.59 2.04 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:26] 6.035 -0.434 3.439 2.577 3.148 ...
##   ..$ cldI: chr [1:26] "A" "B" "A" "A" ...
pred <- merge(comp[[1]],
              by = intersect(names(comp[[1]]), names(comp[[2]])))
pred$cld <- with(pred, paste(cldI, cldH, sep = ""))


# Passa para a escala de probabilidade.
i <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
pred[, i] <- sapply(pred[, i], m0$family$linkinv)

# Ordena da tabela.
pred <- pred[with(pred, order(P, I, H)), ]

# Intervalos de confiança do tamanho do suporte terão apenas o ponto
# representado.
i <- pred$upr - pred$lwr > 0.99
if (any(i)) {
    pred[i, ]$lwr <- pred[i, ]$lwr <- NA

# Reordena os níveis pela probalidade de sobreviência.
pred$I <- reorder(pred$I, pred$fit)

# Legenda.
key <- list(points = list(pch = c(1, 19)),
            text = list(levels(egg_parasitoid$hosp), font = 3),
            title = "Hosts", cex.title = 1.1)
cap <-
"Estimated parasitoid emergency proportion for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%."
cap <- fgn_("pemer", cap)

# Gráfico de segmentos.
segplot(I ~ lwr + upr | P,
        centers = fit,
        data = pred,
        xlab = "Insecticides",
        ylab = "Proportion of parasitoid emergency",
        draw = FALSE,
        horizontal = FALSE,
        groups = H,
        key = key,
        strip = strip.custom(
            factor.levels = levels(egg_parasitoid$paras),
            par.strip.text = list(font = 3)),
        gap = 0.15,
        cld = pred$cld,
        panel = panel.groups.segplot,
        pch = key$points$pch[as.integer(pred$H)]) +
        a <- cld[which.max(nchar(cld))]
        l <- cld[subscripts]
        x <- as.integer(z)[subscripts] + centfac(groups[subscripts], gap)
        y <- centers[subscripts]
        # Usa símbolo unicode:
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = -0.5,
                  gp = gpar(col = "white")
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = -0.5,
                  gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 10))
Figura  5: Estimated parasitoid emergency proportion for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Figura 5: Estimated parasitoid emergency proportion for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Total de Parasitóides

# Análise exploratória.

egg$ptot <- with(egg, femea + macho + pne)

useOuterStrips(xyplot(ptot ~ I | H + P,
                      data = egg[!$ptot), ],
                      jitter.x = TRUE,
                      auto.key = TRUE,
                      type = c("p", "a")))

# Ajuste do modelo.

m0 <- glm(ptot ~ I * P * H,
          data = egg,
          family = quasipoisson)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


anova(m0, test = "F")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasipoisson, link: log
## Response: ptot
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##       Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev        F    Pr(>F)    
## NULL                    426    2062.89                       
## I      6   690.95       420    1371.94  75.5155 < 2.2e-16 ***
## P      1    22.91       419    1349.03  15.0222 0.0001241 ***
## H      1   495.05       418     853.98 324.6323 < 2.2e-16 ***
## I:P    5    28.02       413     825.96   3.6755 0.0029022 ** 
## I:H    6    85.14       407     740.82   9.3056 1.458e-09 ***
## P:H    1    16.19       406     724.62  10.6184 0.0012151 ** 
## I:P:H  5    60.32       401     664.30   7.9116 4.014e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# summary(m0)

# Modelo declarado com a matrix do modelo, apenas os efeitos estimáveis.
X <- model.matrix(formula(m0)[-2], data = egg)
b <- coef(m0)
X <- X[, !]
m0 <- update(m0, . ~ 0 + X)

# Comparações entre hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.

comp <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)

# Declarar um modelo não deficiente aqui apenas para pegar a matriz.
lsm <- LSmatrix(lm(mort ~ I * P * H, data = egg),
                effect = c("I", "P", "H"))
grid <- equallevels(attr(lsm, "grid"), egg)

# Celas que serão mantidas pois são estimaveis.
keep <- xtabs(! ~ interaction(I, P, H), data = egg) > 0
i <- with(grid, interaction(I, P, H) %in% names(keep[keep]))

grid <- grid[i, ]
lsm <- lsm[i, ]

# Deixa apenas as colunas de efeitos estimados.
lsm <- lsm[, !]

# Fazer as comparações apenas onde é possível.
# Hospedeiros dentro de inseticida x parasitóide.
rownames(lsm) <- grid$H
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(I, P)), FUN = as.matrix)
i <- sapply(L, is.null)
L <- L[!i]

cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m0, focus = "H", cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1:2] <- c("I", "P")
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldH"

comp[[1]] <- pred

# Fazer as comparações apenas onde é possível.
# Inseticidas dentro de parasitóide e hospedeiro.
rownames(lsm) <- grid$I
L <- by(lsm, INDICES = with(grid, interaction(H, P)), FUN = as.matrix)

cmp <- lapply(L, apmc, model = m0, focus = "I", test = "fdr",
              cld2 = TRUE)

pred <- ldply(cmp)
cmp <- ldply(strsplit(pred$.id, "\\."))
pred <- cbind(, pred[, -1])
names(pred)[1:2] <- c("H", "P")
names(pred)[ncol(pred)] <- "cldI"
pred[, ncol(pred)] <- toupper(pred[, ncol(pred)])

comp[[2]] <- pred
## List of 2
##  $ :'data.frame':    26 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ I   : chr [1:26] "Delta" "Delta" "Spine" "Spine" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:26] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ H   : Factor w/ 2 levels "Anti","Chry": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:26] 1.764 0.288 2.476 0.788 3.116 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:26] 1.5274 -0.9225 2.2416 0.0587 3.0018 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:26] 2 1.5 2.71 1.52 3.23 ...
##   ..$ cldH: chr [1:26] "a" "b" "a" "b" ...
##  $ :'data.frame':    26 obs. of  7 variables:
##   ..$ H   : chr [1:26] "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" "Anti" ...
##   ..$ P   : chr [1:26] "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" "Atopo" ...
##   ..$ I   : Factor w/ 7 levels "Contr","Delta",..: 2 6 3 4 5 1 2 6 3 4 ...
##   ..$ fit : num [1:26] 1.76 2.48 3.12 2.9 3.07 ...
##   ..$ lwr : num [1:26] 1.53 2.24 3 2.77 2.95 ...
##   ..$ upr : num [1:26] 2 2.71 3.23 3.02 3.19 ...
##   ..$ cldI: chr [1:26] "D" "C" "A" "B" ...
pred <- merge(comp[[1]],
              by = intersect(names(comp[[1]]), names(comp[[2]])))
pred$cld <- with(pred, paste(cldI, cldH, sep = ""))


# Passa para a escala de probabilidade.
i <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
pred[, i] <- sapply(pred[, i], m0$family$linkinv)

# Ordena da tabela.
pred <- pred[with(pred, order(P, I, H)), ]

# Reordena os níveis pela probalidade de sobreviência.
pred$I <- reorder(pred$I, pred$fit)

# Legenda.
key <- list(points = list(pch = c(1, 19)),
            text = list(levels(egg_parasitoid$hosp), font = 3),
            title = "Hosts", cex.title = 1.1)
cap <-
"Estimated total number of parasitoids for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%."
cap <- fgn_("tot", cap)

# Gráfico de segmentos.
segplot(I ~ lwr + upr | P,
        centers = fit,
        data = pred,
        xlab = "Insecticides",
        ylab = "Total of parasitoids",
        draw = FALSE,
        horizontal = FALSE,
        groups = H,
        key = key,
        strip = strip.custom(
            factor.levels = levels(egg_parasitoid$paras),
            par.strip.text = list(font = 3)),
        gap = 0.15,
        cld = pred$cld,
        panel = panel.groups.segplot,
        pch = key$points$pch[as.integer(pred$H)]) +
        a <- cld[which.max(nchar(cld))]
        l <- cld[subscripts]
        x <- as.integer(z)[subscripts] + centfac(groups[subscripts], gap)
        y <- centers[subscripts]
        # Usa símbolo unicode:
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = -0.5,
                  gp = gpar(col = "white")
                  x = unit(x, "native"),
                  y = unit(y, "native"),
                  vjust = -0.5,
                  gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 10))
Figura  6: Estimated total number of parasitoids for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Figura 6: Estimated total number of parasitoids for each inseticide on two parasiods and two hosts. Segment is a confidence interval for the probability of surviving. Parasitoids estimates followed by the same lower letters in a insetice and host combination are not different at 5%. Inseticides estimates followed by the same lower letters in a parasitoid and host combination are not different at 5%.

Session information

## quinta, 26 de janeiro de 2017, 19:23
## ----------------------------------------
## R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=pt_BR.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=pt_BR.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
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##  [7] LC_PAPER=pt_BR.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] methods   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
## [7] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] wzCoop_0.0-5        captioner_2.2.3     latticeExtra_0.6-28
##  [4] RColorBrewer_1.1-2  knitr_1.15.1        plyr_1.8.4         
##  [7] multcomp_1.4-6      TH.data_1.0-8       MASS_7.3-45        
## [10] survival_2.39-4     mvtnorm_1.0-5       doBy_4.5-15        
## [13] gridExtra_2.2.1     lattice_0.20-33     wzRfun_0.75        
## [16] devtools_1.11.1    
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_0.12.8      highr_0.6        git2r_0.15.0    
##  [4] tools_3.3.1      testthat_1.0.2   digest_0.6.9    
##  [7] gtable_0.2.0     memoise_1.0.0    evaluate_0.10   
## [10] Matrix_1.2-6     yaml_2.1.14      curl_0.9.7      
## [13] rpanel_1.1-3     withr_1.0.1      stringr_1.0.0   
## [16] httr_1.2.0       roxygen2_5.0.1   rprojroot_1.1   
## [19] grid_3.3.1       R6_2.1.2         rmarkdown_1.2   
## [22] magrittr_1.5     backports_1.0.4  codetools_0.2-14
## [25] htmltools_0.3.5  splines_3.3.1    sandwich_2.3-4  
## [28] stringi_1.1.1    crayon_1.3.1     zoo_1.7-14