This function does a radial plot based on the vector of letters resulted from pairwise comparisons.

radial_cld(cld, labels = cld, col = NULL, means = NULL,
  perim = FALSE, legend = TRUE)



Character vector with strings of letters that indicates which pair of treatment cells are not different.


Vector of text to be annotated next each point.


Vector of colors to be used in the segments that joint points.


Numeric vector with the estimated means of treatment cells. It is used to place points at distances proportional to the differences on means.


Logical value (default is FALSE) that indicates weather draw or not a circle in the perimeter passing by the points.


Logical value (default is TRUE) that indicates weather daraw or not the legend.


None is returned, only the plot is done.

See also



set.seed(4321) td <- data.frame(trt = rep(sample(1:20), each = 5)) td$y <- rnorm(nrow(td), mean = 0.15 * sort(td$trt), sd = 1) plot(y ~ trt, data = td)
# Fit the model. td$trt <- factor(td$trt) m0 <- lm(y ~ trt, data = td) anova(m0)
#> Analysis of Variance Table #> #> Response: y #> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) #> trt 19 65.815 3.4640 3.4576 5.194e-05 *** #> Residuals 80 80.146 1.0018 #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> #> Call: #> lm(formula = y ~ trt, data = td) #> #> Residuals: #> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max #> -2.0226 -0.6637 0.0693 0.6348 2.2642 #> #> Coefficients: #> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) #> (Intercept) 2.50426 0.44762 5.595 2.99e-07 *** #> trt2 0.34782 0.63303 0.549 0.584225 #> trt3 -0.50600 0.63303 -0.799 0.426472 #> trt4 -1.69826 0.63303 -2.683 0.008870 ** #> trt5 -1.12692 0.63303 -1.780 0.078841 . #> trt6 -0.92557 0.63303 -1.462 0.147624 #> trt7 -0.69882 0.63303 -1.104 0.272939 #> trt8 -1.35856 0.63303 -2.146 0.034894 * #> trt9 0.04789 0.63303 0.076 0.939889 #> trt10 -2.70744 0.63303 -4.277 5.20e-05 *** #> trt11 -0.51198 0.63303 -0.809 0.421043 #> trt12 -1.80581 0.63303 -2.853 0.005517 ** #> trt13 -0.71239 0.63303 -1.125 0.263802 #> trt14 -1.56631 0.63303 -2.474 0.015465 * #> trt15 -2.28781 0.63303 -3.614 0.000525 *** #> trt16 -0.35552 0.63303 -0.562 0.575952 #> trt17 -0.77093 0.63303 -1.218 0.226867 #> trt18 -0.64693 0.63303 -1.022 0.309886 #> trt19 -1.26594 0.63303 -2.000 0.048916 * #> trt20 0.38425 0.63303 0.607 0.545568 #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 #> #> Residual standard error: 1.001 on 80 degrees of freedom #> Multiple R-squared: 0.4509, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3205 #> F-statistic: 3.458 on 19 and 80 DF, p-value: 5.194e-05 #>
library(multcomp) library(doBy) X <- LE_matrix(m0, effect = "trt") rownames(X) <- levels(td$trt) ci <- apmc(X, m0, focus = "trt", test = "fdr") ci$cld <- with(ci, ordered_cld(cld, fit)) ci <- ci[order(ci$fit, decreasing = TRUE), ] library(latticeExtra) segplot(reorder(trt, fit) ~ lwr + upr, centers = fit, data = ci, draw = FALSE, cld = ci$cld) + layer(panel.text(x = centers, y = z, labels = sprintf("%0.2f %s", centers, cld), pos = 3))
radial_cld(cld = ci$cld)
#> Warning: Length of vector `col` is different of the number of unique letters. Colors will be recycled.
radial_cld(cld = ci$cld, means = ci$fit, perim = TRUE)
#> Warning: Length of vector `col` is different of the number of unique letters. Colors will be recycled.
radial_cld(cld = ci$cld, col = 1:3)
#> Warning: Length of vector `col` is different of the number of unique letters. Colors will be recycled.
radial_cld(cld = ci$cld, col = 1:3)
#> Warning: Length of vector `col` is different of the number of unique letters. Colors will be recycled.
radial_cld(cld = ci$cld, labels = sprintf("%0.2f %s", ci$fit, ci$cld))
#> Warning: Length of vector `col` is different of the number of unique letters. Colors will be recycled.