This function gets a function and writes the skeleton of the documentation in roxygen syntax. The call of this function assumes that the working directory is a package directory, that is, where DESCRIPTION file is.

roxy_fun(object, file, export = TRUE, author, keywords, extra, editor,
  print = FALSE, append = FALSE, find_file = FALSE)

roxy_data(object, file, source = NULL, keywords, author, extra, editor,
  print = FALSE, append = FALSE, find_file = FALSE)



An object that is a function.


character[1] An optional file name to write the documentation into. If it is not provided, the name of the function is used to name the file. If NA, no file is created and the documentation will be printed on console.


logical[1] If TRUE means that the function will be exported because the label @export will be added to the documentation. Only has effect for roxy_fun.


character[1] The author of the function to be assigned to the @author field.


character[>=1] Keywords to the function that will be assigned to the @keywords field.


character[1] Additional information to be written, for example "@import lattice".


character[1] A name of an editor to open the file after its creation. See edit for more details.


logical[1] If TRUE, prints the skeleton in the console.


logical[1] If TRUE the documentation is appended to the file informed.


logical[1] If TRUE, shows the absolute path to the file formatted for a call of find-file in Emacs LISP, so the file can be opened just typing C-x C-e at the end of the statement.


character[1] A string that is the source of the dataset. Only has effect for roxy_data.


This function does not have return value. It only creates/modifies files and prints content.


# NOT RUN { #----------------------------------------- # Using roxy_fun(). fun <- function(x, y, ...) { return(x + y) } file.remove("bla.R") file.remove("fun.R") roxy_fun(fun) roxy_fun(fun, append = TRUE) file.remove("fun.R") roxy_fun(fun, find_file = TRUE) file.remove("fun.R") roxy_fun(fun, editor = "emacs") roxy_fun(fun, file = NA) file.remove("fun.R") roxy_fun(fun, print = TRUE) file.remove("fun.R") roxy_fun(fun, export = FALSE) file.remove("fun.R") roxy_fun(fun, author = "Walmes Zeviani, \\email{}.") roxy_fun(fun, file = "bla.R") file.remove("bla.R") roxy_fun(fun, file = "bla.R", extra = "@import lattice") file.remove("fun.R") roxy_fun(object = fun, editor = "emacs") # }
# NOT RUN { #----------------------------------------- # Using roxy_data(). s <- "Smith; Sanders (1234)" file.remove("iris.R") roxy_data(iris, print = TRUE, source = s, editor = "emacs", keywords = c("BLA", "BLU"), find_file = TRUE, extra = c("@docType dataset", "@details bla bla bla")) # }