About Me

Bachelor degree (2009) and Master degree (2011) in Statistics, titles obtained at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). PhD in Statistics (2016) through the Graduate Programs in Statistics (PPGEst-UFSCar) and Graduate Studies in Computer Science (PPGCC-UFSCar).

Since August 2021, Assistant Professor at Department of Statistics, Federal University of Paraná (DEST-UFPR), Curitiba-PR, Brazil. Assistant Professor at Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador-BA, Brazil (2017-2021). Lecturer at Faculty of Technology SENAI-SP, São Carlos-SP, Brazil (2009-2015).

Lecturer in the Specialization in Data Science & Big Data (DSBD-UFPR), MBA in Financial Analytics (DAAGE-UTFPR) and in Specialization in Data Science and Big Data (ECD-UFBA). Head of Data Science of LED-UFBA, Statistics and Data science Laboratory (2017-2019). Head of DataSci Labs - UFPR.

Researcher at Statistics and Geoinformation Laboratory (LEG-UFPR), also at Center for Data Integration and Knowledge for Health (Cidacs/Fiocruz) and at Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI-USP).

Researcher of the Graduate Program in Numerical Methods in Engineering (PPGMNE-UFPR), Graduate Program in Informatics (PPGInf-UFPR) and the Graduate Program in Mathematics (PGMAT-UFBA).

Since July 2022, Tutor of the Tutorial Education Program (TEP) of the Statistics Undergraduation course (DEST-UFPR).

Research Interest

Statistical Machine Learning, Statistical Inference and Computational Methods

Selected Publications

Methodological papers

📃 LOCH, A. A. ; GONDIM, J. M. ; ARGOLO, F. C. ; LOPES-ROCHA, A. C. ; ANDRADE, J. C. ; VAN DE BILT, M. T. ; DE JESUS, L. P. ; HADDAD, N. M. ; CECCHI, G. A. ; MOTA, N. B. ; GATTAZ, W. F. ; CORCORAN, C. M. ARA, A.. Detecting at-risk mental states for psychosis (ARMS) using machine learning ensembles and facial features. Schizophrenia Research, v. 258, p. 45-52, 2023. [Link]

📃 MAIA, M. ; PIMENTEL, J. S. ; OSPINA, R. ; ARA, A. . Wavelet Support Vector Censored Regression. Analytics, v. 2, p. 410-425, 2023. [Link]

📃 ARA, A.; MAIA, M. ; LOUZADA, F. ; MACÊDO, S. Regression random machines: An ensemble support vector regression model with free kernel choice. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 202, p. 117107, 2022. [Link]

📃 MAIA, M. ; AZEVEDO, A. R. ; ARA, A. . Predictive comparison between random machines and random forests. Journal of Data Science, v. 19, p. 593-614, 2021. [Link]

📃 ARA, A.; LOUZADA, F. Alpha Skew Gaussian Naïve Bayes Classifier. International Journal Of Information Technology & Decision Making, v. 21, p. 1-22, 2021. [Link]

📃 ARA, A.; MAIA, M. ; LOUZADA, F. ; MACÊDO, S. Random Machines: A bagged-weighted support vector model with free kernel choice. Journal of Data Science, 2021. [Link]

📃 ARA, A.; LOUZADA, F . The Multivariate Alpha Skew Gaussian Distribution. Bulletin of The Brazilian Mathematical Society, v. 1, p. 1-21, 2019. [Link]

📃 LOUZADA, F.; ARA, A. ; FERNANDES, G. B. The Bivariate Alpha-Skew-Normal Distribution. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, v. 46, n. 14, p. 7147-7156, 2017. [Link]

📃 LOUZADA, F.; ARA, A. Bagging k-dependence probabilistic networks: An alternative powerful fraud detection tool. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 39, p. 11583-11592, 2012. [Link]

Applied papers

📃 LOCH, A.A.; ARA, A.; HORTÊNCIO, L.; HATAGAMI MARQUES, J.; TALIB, L. L.; ANDRADE, J. C. ; SERPA, M. H.; SANCHEZ, L.; ALVES, T. M.; VAN DE BILT, M. T.; RÖSSLER, W; GATTAZ, W. F. Use of a Bayesian Network Model to predict psychiatric illness in individuals with -at risk mental states? from a general population cohort. Neuroscience Letters, v. 770, p. 136358, 2022. [Link]

📃 MAIA, M. ; PIMENTEL, J. ; PEREIRA, I. S. ; GONDIN, J. ; BARRETO, M. E. ; ARA, A. . Convolutional Support Vector Models: Prediction of Coronavirus Disease Using Chest X-rays. INFORMATION, v. 11, p. 548, 2020. [Link]

📃 PAZ, H. ; MAIA, M. ; MORAES, F. ; LUTOSA, R. ; MACEDO, S. ; COSTA, L. C. C. ; BARRETO, M. E. ; ARA, A. . Local Processing of Massive Databases with R: A National Analysis of a Brazilian Social Programme. Stats, v. 3, p. 444-464, 2020. [Link]

📃 LOUZADA, F.; MAIORANO, A.C.; ARA, A. iSports: A web-oriented expert system for talent identification in soccer. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 44, 400-412, 2016. [Link]

📃 LOUZADA, F.; ARA, A.; FERNANDES, G. B. Classification methods applied to credit scoring: Systematic review and overall comparison. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science, 2016. [Link]


🔘 2023. SIRS Early Career Awards, Advisor, Toronto, Canada.

🔘 2023. Best Master Dissertation. Finalist. Advisor, 67RBras 20SEAGRO, RBras, Londrina, PR.

🔘 2023. Best Undergraduate Research. Finalist. Advisor, 67RBras 20SEAGRO, RBras, Londrina, PR.

🔘 2022. Best Master Dissertation. Advisor, 24º SINAPE, ABE, Gramado, RS.

🔘 2022. Best Undergraduate Research. Advisor, 24º SINAPE, ABE, Gramado, RS.

🔘 2022. 1st Sport Innovation Award, Brazilian Olympic committee.

🔘 2020. 1st Highly Accessed Article, Stats Journal.

🔘 2018. Best Paper Award, III International Seminar on Statistics with R (III SER), Niterói, RJ.

🔘 2018. Best Poster Award, VI Encontro Baiano de Estatística, Salvador, BA.

🔘 2017. Best LACSC Poster Award, 2nd Latin American Conference On Statistical Computing (LACSC), Valparaiso, Chile.

🔘 2016. Best LACSC Paper Award, 1st Latin American Conference On Statistical Computing (LACSC), Gramado-RS.

🔘 2013. Honoured Professor of the 5th Class Degree in Mechanical Manufacturing at Faculty of Technology SENAI-SP.

🔘 2010. Honorable Mention, Competition “Best Work of Undergraduate Research”, 19º SINAPE, ABE.

🔘 2010. SOBRAPO World Cup 2010 Football Forecast Competition - Track B, com o CER World Cup Model.

🔘 2010. Medal of Honor. Federal University from São Carlos - UFSCar.

🔘 2000. Top 5 in 2nd Regional Science Olympics. Centro de Divulgação Científica e Cultural CDCC-USP.


Programming; Music; Tenis; RPG and Board games.