
These materials were specifically designed for particular courses and are now readily accessible under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 BR license. This license grants users the freedom to utilize the materials while adhering to its terms. Additionally, it’s worth noting that all these resources are only available in Portuguese.

Short Courses

⭐ Support Vector Models: an introduction to statistical machine learning. Anderson Ara, Raydonal Ospina e Mateus Maia. 67ª RBras e 20º SEAGRO, Londrina-PR, 2023. [HTML]

📃 Bayesian Networks and applications. Anderson Ara. V Escola de Matemática Aplicada, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos - SP, 2021. [HTML]

Undergraduate Disciplines

📃 Basic Statistics. Anderson Ara. CE081 - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba - PR, 2022. [HTML]

These manuscripts have been subject to continuous revision to enhance and expand its content. Therefore, I sincerely appreciate any comments and suggestions you may have for further improvement by email ara@ufpr.br. Thank you in advance!