Referências bibliográficas

CASTELLAR, C.; JAUCH, F.; MOREIRA, R. R.; SILVA SILVEIRA DUARTE, H. DA; MIO, L. L. M. D. Standard area diagram set for assessment of severity and temporal progress of apple blotch. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2021. Springer Science; Business Media LLC. Disponível em: <>.
COLOSIMO, S. R., E. A.; Giolo. Analise de sobrevivência aplicada. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher, 2006.
COPES, W. E.; THOMSON, J. L. Survival analysis to determine the length of the incubation period of camellia twig blight caused byColletotrichum gloeosporioides. Plant Disease, v. 92, n. 8, p. 1177–1182, 2008. Scientific Societies. Disponível em: <>.
FRARE, G. F.; SILVA-JUNIOR, G. J.; LANZA, F. E.; et al. Sweet orange fruit age and inoculum concentration affect the expression of citrus black spot symptoms. Plant Disease, v. 103, n. 5, p. 913–921, 2019. Scientific Societies. Disponível em: <>.
KAPLAN, E. L.; MEIER, P. Nonparametric estimation from incomplete observations. Journal of the American Statistical Association, v. 53, n. 282, p. 457–481, 1958. Informa UK Limited. Disponível em: <>.
OJIAMBO, P. S.; SCHERM, H. Survival analysis of time to abscission of blueberry leaves affected by septoria leaf spot. Phytopathology, v. 95, n. 1, p. 108–113, 2005. Scientific Societies. Disponível em: <>.
ROGOVSKI-CZAJA, E. A.; MOREIRA, R. R.; NESI, C. N.; SILVA SILVEIRA DUARTE, H. DA; MIO, L. L. M. D. Understanding components of the grapevine leaf spot monocycle and comparing resistance of vitis labrusca cultivars. Journal of Plant Pathology, v. 101, n. 4, p. 897–906, 2019. Springer Science; Business Media LLC. Disponível em: <>.
SHIMAKURA, S. Análise de sobrevivência: Teoria e aplicações em saúde. City: SciELO, 2011.
ZHANG, Z. Parametric regression model for survival data: Weibull regression model as an example. Annals of Translational Medicine, v. 4, n. 24, p. 484–484, 2016. AME Publishing Company. Disponível em: <>.