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Multivariate generalized linear mixed models for continuous bounded outcomes: Analyzing the body fat percentage data

Multivariate generalized linear mixed models for continuous bounded outcomes: Analyzing the body fat percentage data

  • Title: Multivariate generalized linear mixed models for continuous bounded outcomes: Analyzing the body fat percentage data
  • Authors: Ricardo R. Petterle, Henrique A. Laureano, Guilherme P. da Silva and Wagner H. Bonat.
  • Journal: To appear
  • Status: Submitted


  • Status: Submitted

[2020, article]
da Ricardo R. Petterle Henrique A. Laureano, G. S. P., & Bonat., W. H. (2020). Multivariate generalized linear mixed models for continuous bounded outcomes: Analyzing the body fat percentage data. to appear.

Data sets


Supplementary material

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