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Diggle & Ribeiro Jr (2007) Model Based Geostatistics

Diggle & Ribeiro Jr (2007) Model Based Geostatistics

Book data-sets

Data-sets mentioned in the book are available here in text format.
Most of the data is also distributed with the geoR and geoRglm packages for the R project. Note:

  • (geoR) indicates the data set is available with the geoR package
  • (geoRglm) indicates the data set is available with the geoRglm package
  • data() is the command to upload the data from the packages
  1. Surface elevation data (geoR: data(elevation))
    • Description: Surface elevation data taken at 52 locations.
    • Source:
      [1972, book]
      Davis, J. C. (1972). Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology (Second ed.). New York: Wiley.
  2. Soil data (calcium and magnesium contents) (geoR: data(camg), data(ca20))
  3. Rongelap data (geoRglm: data(rongelap))
    • Description: The radionuclide concentration data set consists of measurements of gamma-ray counts taken at time intervals at 157 locations throughout the Rongelap Island.
    • Source:
  4. Paraná rainfall data (geoR: data(parana))
    • Description: Average rainfall for the period May-June (dry-season) over different years collected at 143 recording stations throughout Parana State, Brasil.
    • Source: Recording stations at Parana State, Brasil from the institutions: COPEL, IAPAR,DNAEE, SUREHMA and INEMET.
  5. Swiss rainfall data (geoR: data(SIC))
  6. The Gambia malaria data (geoR: data(gambia))
  7. Kateggat basin data
    • Description:
    • Source: National Environmental Research Institute, Århus University, Denmark and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.

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