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aRT: R-TerraLib API

aRT: R-TerraLib API

aRT is an R package that provides the integration between the statistical software R and the GIS library TerraLib. The aim is to have a package for accessing geospatial data to be analysed in R. R is an open source language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. To learn more about R go to R project web page. TerraLib is an open source GIS classes and functions library, available from the Internet as a collaborative environment for the development of GIS tools. For further information visit TerraLib project web page.

Download and Installation

General Installation

  1. Install aRT dependencies as detailed in the dependencies section.
  2. Install as usual for R packages:
    > install.packages("aRT", contrib="http://www.leg.ufpr.br/aRT")

See FAQ for more details.

Linux binaries

Windows binary

  • Instead of using install.packages(), you can download aRT_1.7-1.zip and use 'Install package(s) from local zip files' from the 'Packages' menu.

Source code

aRT_1.7-1.tar.gz (Monday, 16-Dec-2009)

Development version (unstable)

aRT_1.7-2.tar.gz (Monday, 11-Jan-2010)


aRT depends on other availability of resources as follows and may not run correctly with versions other than indicated.


  • Automatic install of all dependencies: install-aRT-dep 32 and 64 bits are apt-based scripts (Debian, Ubuntu, and friends) to facilitate installing aRT dependencies.
  • Individual dependencies
    1. MySQL version 14.12 Distrib 5.0.32 or greater. MySQL is an open source DBMS.
      • apt install:
         apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 libmysqlclient15-dev
    2. Qt version 3.3.3. Qt is a multiplatform toolkit in C++ for the development of graphic interfaces, implemented by Trolltech.
      • apt:
        apt-get install libqt3-mt-dev
    3. JPEG. A library for working with jpeg image format.
      • apt:
         apt-get install libjpeg62-dev
    4. sp version at least 0.9-26. sp is an R package with S4 classes and methods for spatial data.
    5. TerraLib version 3.3.0. TerraLib is a library of classes for GIS. You can find its source code here. There is also a 64 bits version here.


Discussion list

  • art_l at leg.ufpr.br


Collaborators in earlier versions

  • Marcos Aurélio Carrero
  • Adriana Zanella Martinhago
  • Thiago Eugênio Bezerra de Melo
  • Elias Teixeira Krainski
  • Karla Donato Fook


aRT has been developed with the computational resources of the Laboratory of Statistics and Geoinformation (LEG), at UFPR, together with Earth System Science Center (CST) and Image Processing Division (DPI), at INPE.

www.leg.ufpr.br_pedro_art_images_leg.jpg www.leg.ufpr.br_pedro_art_images_ufpr.jpg www.leg.ufpr.br_pedro_art_images_dpi.jpg www.leg.ufpr.br_pedro_art_images_logo-cst.jpg www.leg.ufpr.br_pedro_art_images_inpe.jpg

This project is partially supported by Fapesp, proccess number 04/11012-0, FPLF proccess 2005.05.066, and CNPq 552044/2002-4.

www.leg.ufpr.br_pedro_art_images_logo_cnpq.jpg www.leg.ufpr.br_pedro_art_images_saudavel-logo.jpeg


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